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UNIQUE - Skipper: Basic attacks on-hit against any enemy grant a stack for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. At maximum stacks, or 4 stacks, your next basic attack against a champion, epic monster, or structure consumes all stacks to deal 120% (Melee) / 84% (Ranged) base AD (+5% (Melee) / +3.5% (Ranged) maximum health) bonus physical damage, increased to 300% (Melee) / 210% (Ranged) base AD (+10% (Melee) / +7% (Ranged) maximum health) against structures.
UNIQUE - Boarding Party: Nearby allied Siege MinionSquareSiege Minion and Super MinionSquareSuper Minion gain 70 - 130 (Melee) / 35 - 65 (Ranged) (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, as well as 10% increased size.


Additional Information
LimitationsLimited to 1 Hullbreaker.
Map AvailabilityALL
Item Code3181
ItemSquareTunneler + ItemSquareWinged Moonplate + ItemSquarePickaxe + 175 Goldcurrency
Total Cost: 3000 Goldcurrency
Sold For: 2100 Goldcurrency
Game Info Wikiwiki.leagueoflegends.com


  • OrnnSquareOrnn can upgrade this Item to a Mastwerwok Item:
    • Item icon is modified with ItemSquareOrnn Modifier
    • Health Mini Icon HP: 500 (+185) with a total of 685
    • AttackDamage Mini Icon AD: 40 (+14.29) with a total of 54.29

Similar Items[]

Patch History[]

Patch 14.19

While there are a lot of changes for Hullbreaker, they're mainly focused on making it a tankier item that appeals to fighters who want to convert their health pools into damage with clearly better single-target damage than Titanic Hydra.

  • Recipe: Tunneler + Rectrix + Pickaxe + 75 Gold ⇒ Tunneler + Winged Moonplate + Pickaxe + 175 Gold
  • Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 40
  • Health: 350 ⇒ 500
  • Movement Speed: 5% ⇒ 4%
  • Melee On-hit Damage: 140% base AD (+3.5% max HP) ⇒ 120% base AD (+5% max HP)
  • Ranged On-hit Damage: 70% base AD (+3.5% max HP) ⇒ 84% base AD (+3.5% max HP)
  • Melee On-hit Structure Damage: 400% base AD (+7% max HP) ⇒ 300% base AD (+10% max HP)
  • Ranged On-hit Structure Damage: 200% base AD (+7% max HP) ⇒ 210% base AD (+7% max HP)
  • Melee bonus cannon/super minion resist: 20-135 (based on level 1-18) ⇒ 70-130 (based on level 8-18)
  • Ranged bonus cannon/super minion resist: 10-68 (based on level 1-18) ⇒ 35-65 (based on level 8-18)

Patch 14.3

We have a bugfix to Hullbreaker this patch which should restore a key part of the item's power that was previously missing.

  • Big Bugfix: Fixed a bug that caused the Hullbreaker buff to minions to unintentionally fall off when an allied champion is nearby.

Patch 14.1

  • Total Cost: 3000 gold
  • Item Recipe: Tunneler + Rectrix + Pickaxe + 125 gold
  • 65 Attack Damage
  • 350 Health
  • 5% Movement Speed
  • Passive - Skipper: Every fifth basic attack against Champions and Epic Monsters deals 140% (melee) /70% (ranged) base AD (+3.5% maximum health bonus physical damage), increased to 400%/200% (+ 7% maximum health) bonus physical damage against structures.
  • Passive - Boarding Party: Nearby allied Siege and Super Minions gain 20-135 (melee, based on level) /10-68 (ranged, based on level) bonus Armor and Magic Resistance.

Patch 13.21

Hullbreaker is performing exceptionally well on too many users at the moment, which means it’s approaching dangerous territory. In this patch we’re looking to reduce its ability to stat-check opponents by reducing the amount of Armor and MR it gives, as this makes it too hard to stop a Hullbreaker split pusher in a 1v1.

  • Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance (Melee): 10-75 (based on level) ⇒ 10-60 (based on level)
  • Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance (Ranged): 5-37.5 (based on level) ⇒ 5-30 (based on level)

Patch 12.9

Hullbreaker is an important tool for empowering split pushing, but when rushed as a first item, its bounty-ful bonus resists can invalidate laning and lead to unpleasant experiences. We still think it's a valuable addition to the game since, unlike past split push items like Zz'Rot, Hullbreaker requires champions to stay in the lane they’re split pushing. So we're nerfing its early game potency.

CHAMPION BONUS RESISTS WHILE HUNTING ALONE (MELEE) : [20-60 (levels 1-18)] 10 (levels 1-11), then 20/35/43/51/59/67/75 (levels 12-18)
CHAMPION BONUS RESISTS WHILE HUNTING ALONE (RANGED) : [10-30 (levels 1-18)] 5 (levels 1-11), then 10/17.5/21.5/25.5/29.5/33.5/37.5 (levels 12-18)
STURDIER HULLS [Deal 20% bonus damage from all sources against structures] ONLY attacks deal 20% bonus damage against structures

Patch 12.5

Ranged Hullbreaker users have been taking over top lane, so we’re decreasing its benefits for them. Hullbreaker should still feel like an option for ranged champs, but without overshadowing melee users.


BONUS ARMOR AND MAGIC RESIST : [20-60 (levels 1-18)] [20-60 (levels 1-18) for melee/10-30 (levels 1-18) for ranged]
SIEGE AND SUPER MINION BONUS ARMOR AND MAGIC RESIST : [60-180 (levels 1-18)] [60-180 (levels 1-18) for melee/30-90 (levels 1-18) for ranged]

Patch 11.17

While Hullbreaker is a strong early rush on a few champions, its opportunity cost is too large to be a great choice compared to other Legendary fighter items that have more generic value. We're giving it a bit of beef so that players feel a bit more inclined to go on a raiding party.

HEALTH : [300] 400

Patch 11.15

Hullbreaker could use some help as the game reaches later phases of the game. We’re giving more durability for anyone who’s hunting alone.

BOARDING PARTY BONUS RESISTANCES : [20-45 bonus armor and bonus magic resistance (level 9-18)] 20-60 bonus armor and bonus magic resistance (level 9-18)
BOARDING PARTY MINION BONUS RESISTANCES : [60-135 bonus armor and bonus magic resistance (level 9-18)] 60-180 bonus armor and bonus magic resistance (level 9-18)

Patch 11.13 -  new 

Many fighters struggle to convert leads into wins right now, especially through split pushing. Hullbreaker's goal is to give them a strategic purchase where they can opt into a heavy and powerful split pushing strategy at the cost of being isolated from their team. This item should allow for the split pusher to take down towers and whoever comes to stop them. It also gives them a way to push through tanks and towers, similar to how the old Banner of Command worked, except now they have to stick with the minion to continue barreling down the lane.

Base Stats

BUILD PATH : Pickaxe + Phage + 825 gold
HEALTH : 300


PASSIVE : While no allied champions are nearby, gain 20-45 armor and magic resist (level 9-18) and deal 20% increased damage to towers. Large minions nearby also gain 60-135 armor and magic resist and deal 200% increased damage to towers.
