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UNIQUE - Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate attacks or abilities within 2 seconds deals bonus physical damage equal to 6% (melee) / 4% (ranged) of target's maximum health and grants you a shield for 160 (+40% bonus AD) (melee) / 80 (+20% bonus AD) (ranged) for 2 seconds (6 second cooldown).


Additional Information
LimitationsLimited to 1 Eclipse.
Map AvailabilityALL
Item Code6692
ItemSquareCaulfield's Warhammer + ItemSquarePickaxe + ItemSquareLong Sword + 625 Goldcurrency
Total Cost: 2900 Goldcurrency
Sold For: 2030 Goldcurrency
Game Info Wikiwiki.leagueoflegends.com


  • OrnnSquareOrnn can upgrade this Item to a Mastwerwok Item:
    • Item icon is modified with ItemSquareOrnn Modifier
    • AttackDamage Mini Icon AD: 60 (+14.29) with a total of 74.29
    • CDR Mini Icon AH: 15 (+16) with a total of 31

Similar Items[]

Patch History[]

Patch 14.19

  • Total Cost: 2800 ⇒ 2900
  • Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 60

Patch 14.9

Eclipse is currently the best-performing first slot fighter item, so we’re taking a little bit off the front-end burst in order to open up some alternative itemization options. It’ll still be the earliest power spike you can receive with its low 2800 gold price point but now it won’t be able to let you win the lane quite as hard.

  • Ever Rising Moon Damage: 8% (melee) / 4% (ranged) of target’s maximum health ⇒ 6% (melee) / 4% (ranged) of target’s maximum health

Patch 14.1

  • Total Cost: 2800 gold
  • Item Recipe: Pickaxe + Long Sword + Caulfield’s Warhammer + 800 gold
  • 70 Attack Damage
  • 15 Ability Haste
  • Passive - Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate attacks or abilities within 1.5 seconds deals 8%/4% max health bonus physical damage and grants you a 160 (+40% bonus AD) (melee)/ 80 (+20% bonus AD) (ranged) shield for 2 seconds (6 second cooldown).

Patch 13.1B

  •  REMOVED  Omnivamp: 7% ⇒ 0%
  •  NEW  Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ 15
  •  NEW  Shield Cooldown: 8 seconds for melee champions/16 seconds for ranged champions ⇒ 6 seconds for melee champions/12 seconds for ranged champions
  •  NEW  Item Recipe Update: Serrated Dirk + Long Sword + Vampiric Scepter ⇒ Serrated Dirk + Caulfield’s Warhammer (Note: total cost unchanged)

Patch 12.19

Eclipse has become popular on several bruiser champions and is generally outperforming other fighter Mythic items. It’s also been the best lethality mythic on assassins and ranged lethality users for quite some time. So we’re taking down its overall power and looking into reshaping this item to better fit the stats fighters would like moving forward while keeping it as a viable purchase for assassins.

  • Bonus Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 60
  • Lethality: 18 ⇒ 12

Patch 12.13

RANGED DAMAGE PROC : [6% max health] 3% max health
MYTHIC PASSIVE BONUS FOR LEGENDARY ITEMS : [4% Armor penetration] 4% Armor penetration and 5 move speed (same for Ornn Masterwork item, Syzygy)

Patch 12.10

OMNIVAMP : [8%] 7% (10% ⇒ 8% for Ornn Masterwork item, Syzygy)
SHIELD : [180 (+40% AD)] 160 (+35% AD) (still reduced by 50% for ranged champions)

Patch 12.1

Despite being weak overall, Eclipse was the strongest lethality Mythic before preseason. We overdid its buffs a bit in 11.23, so we're partially reverting those. (This change also applies to its Ornn Masterwork item, Syzygy.)

EVER RISING MOON COOLDOWN (MELEE) : [6 seconds] 8 seconds

Patch 11.23

TOTAL COST : [3200 gold] 3100 gold
BUILD PATH : [Serrated Dirk + Long Sword + Vampiric Scepter + 850 gold] Serrated Dirk + Long Sword + Vampiric Scepter + 750 gold
EVER RISING MOON (PASSIVE) [Cooldown for melee champions reduced from 8 seconds] Cooldown for melee champions reduced to 6 seconds (all else unchanged)

Patch 11.3

EVER RISING MOON SHIELD : [150/75] 180/90
OMNIVAMP : [10%] 8%

Patch 10.25

EVER RISING MOON SHIELD (RANGED) : [100 (+30% bonus AD)] 75 (+20% bonus AD)

Patch 10.24

COOLDOWN : [6 seconds for melee; 12 seconds for ranged] 8 seconds for melee; 16 seconds for ranged

Patch 10.23 - 12/11/2020

PROC DAMAGE : [8% target's max health] 6% target's max health

Patch 10.23

Eclipse helps assassins weave in and out of fights and take down tankier opponents in drawn-out encounters.

TOTAL COST : 3200 gold
BUILD PATH : Serrated Dirk + Vampiric Scepter + Longsword + 850 gold
UNIQUE PASSIVE : EVER RISING MOON: Hitting a champion with 2 separate basic attacks or abilities within 1.5 seconds deals an additional 8% max health physical damage, grants you 30% movement speed and a 150 ([+40% bonus AD] for melee champions or [100 (+30% bonus AD) for ranged champions]) shield for 2 seconds (6 second cooldown for melee champions, 12 second cooldown for ranged champions).
MYTHIC : Grants all other Legendary items 4% armor penetration
