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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Dook Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2020-11-2811 - 12 International E-sports Festival 2020
1 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
Bangkok University Blogo stdBU RBL Dayne,  Fahrens,  Dook,  Subterror,  RakanBoy
2018-10-284 The Legend Arena: Legends Are Born Here
1 : 2Xavier Esportslogo stdXAV
Illuminate.Inclusterlogo stdIL.I Shine,  WhiteHeart,  Dook,  Pillow,  Polarnattz,  MxNx
2018-05-26NQ 2018 Asian Games Thailand Qualifier
1 : 2Till Dawnlogo stdTDW
Third Party Gaminglogo std3RD Subtile,  Destroy,  Dook,  Sage,  Merp,  Valry
2018-03-025 - 8 TPL 2018 Spring
6 - 8Blanklogo stdRR
Till Dawnlogo stdTDW Thipper,  Joust,  Dook,  Icarus,  Risk
2017-08-083 TD1 2017 Summer
0 : 2Logo stdRETI
Logo stdENEM Throwman,  PetcH,  Blackcat,  Dook,  Numiel,  Winnie