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Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki

The 100 most recent games are shown (each line contains all games of a series). Click here to open as a modifiable query.

Casting History - Deficio
DateEventRoundTeam 1Team 2ScoreVODsPBPColor
2019-11-02Worlds 2019 Main EventSemifinalsInvictus Gaminglogo stdiGFunPlus Phoenixlogo stdFPX1 - 31, 2, 3, 4QuickshotKobe, Deficio
2019-10-26Worlds 2019 Main EventQuarterfinalsFunPlus Phoenixlogo stdFPXFnaticlogo stdFNC3 - 11, 2, 3, 4QuickshotKobe, Deficio
2018-10-28Worlds 2018 Main EventSemifinalsCloud9logo stdC9Fnaticlogo stdFNC0 - 31, 2, 3PhreakDeficio, Kobe
2018-10-21Worlds 2018 Main EventQuarterfinalsFnaticlogo stdFNCEDward Gaminglogo stdEDG3 - 11, 2, 3, 4QuickshotDeficio, Spawn
2018-10-14Worlds 2018 Main EventDay 5Team Vitalitylogo stdVITGen.Glogo stdGEN1 - 01RivingtonDeficio, Kobe
2018-10-14Worlds 2018 Main EventDay 5Gen.Glogo stdGENCloud9logo stdC90 - 11RivingtonDeficio, Kobe
2018-10-14Worlds 2018 Main EventDay 5Team Vitalitylogo stdVITRoyal Never Give Uplogo stdRNG1 - 01RivingtonDeficio, Kobe
2018-10-12Worlds 2018 Main EventDay 3Fnaticlogo stdFNCInvictus Gaminglogo stdiG0 - 11PastrytimeDeficio, Spawn
2018-10-12Worlds 2018 Main EventDay 3Team Liquidlogo stdTLEDward Gaminglogo stdEDG0 - 11PastrytimeDeficio, Spawn
2018-10-12Worlds 2018 Main EventDay 3MAD Teamlogo stdMADKT Rolsterlogo stdKT0 - 11PastrytimeDeficio, Spawn
2018-10-11Worlds 2018 Main EventDay 2Gen.Glogo stdGENRoyal Never Give Uplogo stdRNG0 - 11PhreakDeficio, Kobe
2018-10-11Worlds 2018 Main EventDay 2Team Vitalitylogo stdVITCloud9logo stdC90 - 11PhreakDeficio, Kobe
2018-10-11Worlds 2018 Main EventDay 2Invictus Gaminglogo stdiGG-Rexlogo stdGRX1 - 01PhreakDeficio, Kobe
2018-10-10Worlds 2018 Main EventDay 1Gen.Glogo stdGENTeam Vitalitylogo stdVIT0 - 11CaptainFlowersPapaSmithy, Deficio
2018-10-10Worlds 2018 Main EventDay 1Royal Never Give Uplogo stdRNGCloud9logo stdC91 - 01CaptainFlowersPapaSmithy, Deficio
2018-10-10Worlds 2018 Main EventDay 1Afreeca Freecslogo stdAFG2 Esportslogo stdG20 - 11CaptainFlowersPapaSmithy, Deficio
2018-09-16EU Regional Finals 2018Round 3FC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04G2 Esportslogo stdG21 - 31, 2, 3, 4QuickshotVedius, Deficio
2018-09-15EU Regional Finals 2018Round 2G2 Esportslogo stdG2Splycelogo stdSPY3 - 21, 2, 3, 4, 5DrakosDeficio
2018-09-09EU LCS 2018 Summer PlayoffsFinalsFnaticlogo stdFNCFC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS043 - 11, 2, 3, 4DrakosDeficio, Vedius
2018-09-08EU LCS 2018 Summer PlayoffsThird-Place MatchTeam Vitalitylogo stdVITMisfits Gaminglogo stdMSF3 - 11, 2, 3, 4QuickshotEnder, Deficio
2018-09-01EU LCS 2018 Summer PlayoffsSemifinalsFnaticlogo stdFNCMisfits Gaminglogo stdMSF3 - 11, 2, 3, 4MedicVedius, Deficio
2018-08-31EU LCS 2018 Summer PlayoffsSemifinalsTeam Vitalitylogo stdVITFC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS041 - 31, 2, 3, 4QuickshotEnder, Deficio
2018-08-24EU LCS 2018 Summer PlayoffsQuarterfinalsFC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04Splycelogo stdSPY3 - 21, 2, 3, 4, 5MedicDeficio, Vedius
2018-08-19EU LCS 2018 SummerTiebreakersG2 Esportslogo stdG2Team Vitalitylogo stdVIT0 - 11QuickshotDeficio
2018-08-19EU LCS 2018 SummerTiebreakersFC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04Team Vitalitylogo stdVIT0 - 11QuickshotDeficio
2018-08-18EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 9Team Vitalitylogo stdVITG2 Esportslogo stdG21 - 01QuickshotDeficio, Vedius
2018-08-18EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 9Giants Gaminglogo stdGIASplycelogo stdSPY0 - 11PiraTechnicsDeficio
2018-08-18EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 9H2k-Gaminglogo stdH2KFC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS041 - 01PiraTechnicsDeficio
2018-08-17EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 9FC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04Splycelogo stdSPY1 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-08-17EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 9H2k-Gaminglogo stdH2KUnicorns of Lovelogo stdUOL0 - 11DrakosDeficio
2018-08-11EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 8Fnaticlogo stdFNCSplycelogo stdSPY1 - 01QuickshotDeficio
2018-08-11EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 8G2 Esportslogo stdG2Misfits Gaminglogo stdMSF1 - 01QuickshotDeficio
2018-08-11EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 8FC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04Giants Gaminglogo stdGIA1 - 01QuickshotDeficio
2018-08-04EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 7Misfits Gaminglogo stdMSFFC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS040 - 11DrakosDeficio, Ender
2018-08-04EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 7G2 Esportslogo stdG2Fnaticlogo stdFNC0 - 11DrakosDeficio, Ender
2018-08-03EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 7FC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04Team ROCCATlogo stdROC1 - 01QuickshotDeficio
2018-08-03EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 7Unicorns of Lovelogo stdUOLSplycelogo stdSPY0 - 11QuickshotDeficio
2018-07-28EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 6Splycelogo stdSPYMisfits Gaminglogo stdMSF1 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-07-28EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 6FC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04G2 Esportslogo stdG21 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-07-27EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 6Fnaticlogo stdFNCFC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS041 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-07-27EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 6G2 Esportslogo stdG2Splycelogo stdSPY1 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-07-27EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 6Team Vitalitylogo stdVITGiants Gaminglogo stdGIA1 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-07-21EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 5Team ROCCATlogo stdROCG2 Esportslogo stdG21 - 01QuickshotDeficio, Foxdrop
2018-07-21EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 5Misfits Gaminglogo stdMSFFnaticlogo stdFNC0 - 11QuickshotDeficio, Foxdrop
2018-07-20EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 5G2 Esportslogo stdG2Team Vitalitylogo stdVIT1 - 01PiraTechnicsDeficio, Ender
2018-07-20EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 5Unicorns of Lovelogo stdUOLFnaticlogo stdFNC0 - 11PiraTechnicsDeficio, Ender
2018-07-20EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 5Team ROCCATlogo stdROCMisfits Gaminglogo stdMSF0 - 11PiraTechnicsDeficio
2018-07-14EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 4Misfits Gaminglogo stdMSFTeam Vitalitylogo stdVIT1 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-07-14EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 4Fnaticlogo stdFNCTeam ROCCATlogo stdROC1 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-07-13EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 4Misfits Gaminglogo stdMSFG2 Esportslogo stdG21 - 01DrakosDeficio, Vedius
2018-07-13EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 4Splycelogo stdSPYFnaticlogo stdFNC1 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-07-13EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 4Team ROCCATlogo stdROCUnicorns of Lovelogo stdUOL1 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-07-06Rift Rivals 2018 NA-EUDay 2Fnaticlogo stdFNC100 Thieveslogo std1001 - 01PhreakAzael, Deficio
2018-07-06Rift Rivals 2018 NA-EUDay 2G2 Esportslogo stdG2Echo Foxlogo stdFOX1 - 01PhreakAzael, Deficio
2018-07-06Rift Rivals 2018 NA-EUDay 2Team Liquidlogo stdTLFnaticlogo stdFNC1 - 01PhreakAzael, Deficio
2018-07-05Rift Rivals 2018 NA-EUDay 1Team Liquidlogo stdTLSplycelogo stdSPY1 - 01DrakosDeficio, Kobe
2018-07-05Rift Rivals 2018 NA-EUDay 1Fnaticlogo stdFNCEcho Foxlogo stdFOX1 - 01DrakosDeficio, Kobe
2018-06-16EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 1Misfits Gaminglogo stdMSFUnicorns of Lovelogo stdUOL1 - 01PiraTechnicsDeficio
2018-06-16EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 1Team ROCCATlogo stdROCH2k-Gaminglogo stdH2K1 - 01PiraTechnicsDeficio
2018-06-15EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 1Fnaticlogo stdFNCMisfits Gaminglogo stdMSF0 - 11MedicDeficio
2018-06-15EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 1G2 Esportslogo stdG2Team ROCCATlogo stdROC1 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-06-15EU LCS 2018 SummerWeek 1FC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04Unicorns of Lovelogo stdUOL1 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-04-08EU LCS 2018 Spring PlayoffsFinalsG2 Esportslogo stdG2Fnaticlogo stdFNC0 - 31, 2, 3QuickshotDeficio, Vedius
2018-04-07EU LCS 2018 Spring PlayoffsThird-Place MatchTeam Vitalitylogo stdVITSplycelogo stdSPY2 - 31, 2, 3, 4, 5DrakosDeficio, Vedius
2018-03-31EU LCS 2018 Spring PlayoffsSemifinalsFnaticlogo stdFNCTeam Vitalitylogo stdVIT3 - 11, 2, 3, 4QuickshotDeficio
2018-03-24EU LCS 2018 Spring PlayoffsQuarterfinalsTeam Vitalitylogo stdVITH2k-Gaminglogo stdH2K3 - 21, 2, 3, 4, 5DrakosDeficio
2018-03-17EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 9Fnaticlogo stdFNCFC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS041 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-03-17EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 9G2 Esportslogo stdG2Team Vitalitylogo stdVIT1 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-03-17EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 9Unicorns of Lovelogo stdUOLMisfits Gaminglogo stdMSF0 - 11DrakosDeficio
2018-03-16EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 9Misfits Gaminglogo stdMSFTeam ROCCATlogo stdROC0 - 11PiraTechnicsDeficio
2018-03-16EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 9FC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04H2k-Gaminglogo stdH2K0 - 11PiraTechnicsDeficio
2018-03-10EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 8FC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04G2 Esportslogo stdG21 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-03-10EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 8Fnaticlogo stdFNCUnicorns of Lovelogo stdUOL1 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-03-10EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 8Team ROCCATlogo stdROCTeam Vitalitylogo stdVIT1 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-03-09EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 8Fnaticlogo stdFNCTeam ROCCATlogo stdROC1 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-03-09EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 8G2 Esportslogo stdG2H2k-Gaminglogo stdH2K0 - 11MedicDeficio
2018-03-03EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 7G2 Esportslogo stdG2Giants Gaminglogo stdGIA1 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-03-03EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 7Fnaticlogo stdFNCTeam Vitalitylogo stdVIT1 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-03-03EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 7H2k-Gaminglogo stdH2KMisfits Gaminglogo stdMSF1 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-03-02EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 7Misfits Gaminglogo stdMSFFnaticlogo stdFNC1 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-03-02EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 7FC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04Team Vitalitylogo stdVIT0 - 11MedicDeficio
2018-03-02EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 7Splycelogo stdSPYG2 Esportslogo stdG21 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-02-24EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 6Misfits Gaminglogo stdMSFTeam Vitalitylogo stdVIT1 - 01QuickshotDeficio
2018-02-24EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 6G2 Esportslogo stdG2Fnaticlogo stdFNC0 - 11QuickshotDeficio
2018-02-24EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 6Splycelogo stdSPYFC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS041 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-02-23EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 6FC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04Misfits Gaminglogo stdMSF1 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-02-23EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 6Team Vitalitylogo stdVITGiants Gaminglogo stdGIA0 - 11MedicDeficio
2018-02-17EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 5Team Vitalitylogo stdVITH2k-Gaminglogo stdH2K0 - 11MedicDeficio
2018-02-17EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 5Unicorns of Lovelogo stdUOLGiants Gaminglogo stdGIA1 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-02-16EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 5FC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS04Fnaticlogo stdFNC0 - 11DrakosDeficio
2018-02-16EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 5G2 Esportslogo stdG2Team Vitalitylogo stdVIT1 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-02-16EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 5Misfits Gaminglogo stdMSFUnicorns of Lovelogo stdUOL1 - 01DrakosDeficio
2018-02-10EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 4G2 Esportslogo stdG2Unicorns of Lovelogo stdUOL1 - 01QuickshotDeficio
2018-02-10EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 4Fnaticlogo stdFNCGiants Gaminglogo stdGIA1 - 01QuickshotDeficio
2018-02-09EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 4G2 Esportslogo stdG2FC Schalke 04 Esportslogo stdS041 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-02-09EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 4Fnaticlogo stdFNCUnicorns of Lovelogo stdUOL1 - 01MedicDeficio
2018-02-03EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 3Misfits Gaminglogo stdMSFSplycelogo stdSPY0 - 11PiraTechnicsDeficio
2018-02-03EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 3H2k-Gaminglogo stdH2KG2 Esportslogo stdG20 - 11PiraTechnicsDeficio
2018-02-03EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 3Team ROCCATlogo stdROCFnaticlogo stdFNC0 - 11PiraTechnicsDeficio
2018-02-02EU LCS 2018 SpringWeek 3Giants Gaminglogo stdGIATeam ROCCATlogo stdROC1 - 01QuickshotDeficio