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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Deeang Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2020-11-307 - 8 Copa Off Season 2020
0 : 1Vatra Gaminglogo stdVTR
ESTORMlogo stdSTM Steellar,  Deeang,  Skyrush,  LLSkyLL,  Eterna Promesa,  Manny,  Kenobie
2020-09-16Q DDH 2021 Opening Promotion
3 : 1We Talentlogo stdWT
ESTORMlogo stdSTM Steellar,  Deeang,  LLSkyLL,  Sully,  Feels,  RedCells
2020-07-248 DDH 2020 Closing
3 - 11Blanklogo stdRR
ESTORMlogo stdSTM Steellar,  Rotrix,  Deeang,  Sully,  Taco,  LLSkyLL,  ArcoSagaz,  King of Fire,  Feels,  Shaaka,  RedCells,  FXKaiser