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Tournament Results
Minimum place

DJ LAMBO Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2013-09-097 - 8 MOBAFire Challenger Series
FF : WNew World Eclipselogo stdNWE
Infinite Oddslogo stdIO i KeNNy u,  DJ LAMBO,  Pobelter,  otter,  Bodydrop
2013-08-185 - 6 NESL Pro Series Season 7
1 : 2Curse Academylogo stdCA
Infinite Oddslogo stdIO i KeNNy u,  DJ LAMBO,  Pobelter,  otter,  Bodydrop
2013-06-152 NESL Premier League 6
0 : 2Denial eSportslogo stdDNL
Infinite Oddslogo stdIO Thien Chau,  DJ LAMBO,  bobqinXD,  ecko,  brunch Ü
2013-04-193 NA LCS 2013 Spring
17 - 11Blanklogo stdRR
Dignitaslogo stdDIG KiWiKiD,  Crumbz,  DJ LAMBO,  scarra,  imaqtpie,  Patoy
2013-02-249 - 12 SoloMid IPL6 Qualifier
0 : 1Team TowerDiveTVlogo stdTDTV
Logo stdLINK Meteos,  DJ LAMBO,  nothinghere,  Diamond,  Atlanta
2013-02-202 Rising Stars Invitational 6
0 : 2Cloud9logo stdC9
Falafel Gaminglogo stdFLFG DrTrevor,  Valkrin,  DJ LAMBO,  Azingy,  Virus,  Dragon,  NiksBrotha
2013-01-13NQ NA LCS 2013 Spring Qualifiers
1 : 2Dirt Nap Gaminglogo stdDNG
Azure Gaminglogo stdAG nothinghere,  DJ LAMBO,  Shaosters,  Demunlul,  Bloodwater
2012-10-214 SoloMid Series Week 1
1 : 2Orbit Gaminglogo stdORB
CLG Primelogo stdCLG.P Voyboy,  LiNk,  DJ LAMBO,  h4ckerv2,  OneBadBrad,  Bigfatlp,  Zuna,  Chauster,  BloodWater
2012-09-165 - 6 SoloMid NA Invitational 9
0 : 2Team Dynamiclogo stdDYN
Orbit Gaminglogo stdORB Yazuki,  Cris,  h4ckerv2,  DJ LAMBO,  Nien,  Hai,  Cop,  Healsforhugs,  Patoy
DJ LAMBO 1v1 Tournament Results
DatePlEventPrizeTeamLast Result
2013-10-1324 - 32Best Lee Sin NA TournamentFF : W Maplestreet
2013-05-0548 - 64Best Riven NA TournamentFF : FF