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Colombia National League
Tournament Information
OrganizerRiot Games
GG Colombia
FormatRound Robin
Location & Dates
Event TypeOnline
Start Date2014-01-22
End Date2014-02-23
Social Media & Links
Infobox Homepagelogo std

The Colombia National League is one of the first 4 official Latin American professional leagues provided by Riot Games. Each league is hosted by a local organization; Colombia's being GG Colombia.


16 teams from all over Colombia battle through 2 rounds. The first round divides the teams into 2 groups of 8, each group being Round Robin. The top 4 teams from each group will advance to the second round where they will be placed in a another 8-team group for a second round robin. The 4 top teams will advance to one of the 3 "competitive stops" hosted by Riot Games in Chile (April), Argentina (July), and Colombia (October). The top teams from these competitive stops will have a shot at the Latin America Grand Finals.


Qualifying Teams[]

QChile QualifiersOmelette du Fromagelogo stdOmelette du Fromage
Bronx Gaminglogo stdBronx Gaming
Top Lane Gaminglogo stdTop Lane Gaming
Red Arrows Teamlogo stdRed Arrows Team


Participants (16)
Aeon Gaminglogo stdAeon Gaming Logo stdAgua Panela con Queso Logo stdAlbahacas Five B Rabbit Gaminglogo stdB Rabbit Gaming
Logo stdBio Knightmares Blazing Heartlogo stdBlazing Heart Logo stdBloodmyst Bronx Gaminglogo stdBronx Gaming
Dash9 Gaminglogo stdDash9 Gaming Logo stdDream Team Gaming 7 Logo stdHelmerDongers Infinity Gaming e-Sportslogo stdInfinity Gaming e-Sports
Omelette du Fromagelogo stdOmelette du Fromage Red Arrows Teamlogo stdRed Arrows Team Logo stdSynergy Col Team Logo stdTeam Cholo Mid


Round 2[]

Round of 8
1. Omelette du Fromagelogo stdOmelette du Fromage 5-1
2. Bronx Gaminglogo stdBronx Gaming 5-1
3. Top Lane Gaminglogo stdTop Lane Gaming 4-2
4. Red Arrows Teamlogo stdRed Arrows Team 3-3
5. Blazing Heartlogo stdBlazing Heart 2-4
6. B Rabbit Gaminglogo stdB Rabbit Gaming 1-5
7. Aeon Gaminglogo stdAeon Gaming 1-5
-. Dash9 Gaminglogo stdDash9 Gaming 0-0
Round Matches
D9Dash9 Gaminglogo std 1 0 B Rabbit Gaminglogo stdB Rabbit
BHBlazing Heartlogo std 0 1 Bronx Gaminglogo stdBronx
RedARed Arrows Teamlogo std 0 1 Top Lane Gaminglogo stdTop Lane
B RabbitB Rabbit Gaminglogo std 0 1 Red Arrows Teamlogo stdRedA
ODFOmelette du Fromagelogo std 1 0 Aeon Gaminglogo stdAEG
D9Dash9 Gaminglogo std 1 0 Bronx Gaminglogo stdBronx
Top LaneTop Lane Gaminglogo std 0 1 Bronx Gaminglogo stdBronx
RedARed Arrows Teamlogo std 0 1 Dash9 Gaminglogo stdD9
BHBlazing Heartlogo std 1 0 Aeon Gaminglogo stdAEG
RedARed Arrows Teamlogo std 0 1 Bronx Gaminglogo stdBronx
BHBlazing Heartlogo std 1 0 Dash9 Gaminglogo stdD9
B RabbitB Rabbit Gaminglogo std 0 1 Omelette du Fromagelogo stdODF
D9Dash9 Gaminglogo std 0 0 Omelette du Fromagelogo stdODF
BronxBronx Gaminglogo std 0 1 B Rabbit Gaminglogo stdB Rabbit
AEGAeon Gaminglogo std 0 1 Top Lane Gaminglogo stdTop Lane
RedARed Arrows Teamlogo std 1 0 Blazing Heartlogo stdBH
BronxBronx Gaminglogo std 1 0 Aeon Gaminglogo stdAEG
Top LaneTop Lane Gaminglogo std 0 1 Omelette du Fromagelogo stdODF
ODFOmelette du Fromagelogo std 1 0 Blazing Heartlogo stdBH
Top LaneTop Lane Gaminglogo std 1 0 B Rabbit Gaminglogo stdB Rabbit

View Games[]

See Also[]

External Links[]

