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Opening Season
CDLS 2015 Opening Season
Circuito De Leyendas
Tournament Information
OrganizerRiot Games
Location & Dates
Event TypeOnline
Start Date2015-03-26
End Date2015-04-04
Social Media & Links
Infobox Homepagelogo std


The 2015 LAS Circuit Of Legends (Spanish: Circuito de Leyendas LAS 2015) is the first season of the secondary league in Latin America South. At the playoffs, the teams will face to each other looking for spots in the CLS.


  • 8 teams
  • Double Round Robin.
  • Each match is Bo1.
  • Ties are broken by:
    • Head to head record.
    • If still tied, a tiebreaker match will be played.
    • If there are more than 2 teams tied. The 2 teams with the high overall KDA will play a tiebreaker.
  • Top 2 teams will play in the Promotion.

Prize Pool[]

PlacementIcon1 1LAS 2015 Closing PromotionDark Horselogo stdDark Horse
PlacementIcon2 2LAS 2015 Closing PromotionIsuruslogo stdIsurus
PlacementIcon3 3Coliseo Dragonslogo stdColiseo Dragons
4Cursed Ragelogo stdCursed Rage
5Beast Modelogo stdBeast Mode
6EXeAt eSports Clublogo stdeXeAt eSports Club
7Renegades of Helllogo stdRenegades of Hell
8Team LGLlogo stdTeam LGL


Show RostersHide Rosters
1 Beast Mode acquired the roster of Live Gaming Ascension prior the tournament.
2 Los Gorditos Loleros left the tournament in the second week of competition.
3 Renegades of Hell left the tournament in the last day of competition.
4 eXeAt eSports Club left the tournament in the last day of competition.


1. Dark Horselogo stdDark Horse 11-3
2. Isuruslogo stdIsurus 11-3
3. Coliseo Dragonslogo stdColiseo Dragons 10-4
4. Cursed Ragelogo stdCursed Rage 9-5
5. Beast Modelogo stdBeast Mode 8-6
6. EXeAt eSports Clublogo stdeXeAt eSports Club 3-11
7. Renegades of Helllogo stdRenegades of Hell 1-13
8. Team LGLlogo stdTeam LGL 1-13

Eye - Show AllMatches


Day 1[]

Mar 26
CSRCursed Ragelogo std 0 1 Coliseo Dragonslogo stdCdR
ISGIsuruslogo std 1 0 Team LGLlogo stdLGL
eXeAtEXeAt eSports Clublogo std 1 0 Dark Horselogo stdDHX
B.ModeBeast Modelogo std 1 0 Renegades of Helllogo stdRoH
DHXDark Horselogo std 1 0 Renegades of Helllogo stdRoH
ISGIsuruslogo std 0 1 Coliseo Dragonslogo stdCdR
eXeAtEXeAt eSports Clublogo std 0 1 Cursed Ragelogo stdCSR
LGLTeam LGLlogo std 0 1 Beast Modelogo stdB.Mode

Day 2[]

Mar 27
CdRColiseo Dragonslogo std 0 1 Beast Modelogo stdB.Mode
ISGIsuruslogo std 1 0 Renegades of Helllogo stdRoH
LGLTeam LGLlogo std 1 0 EXeAt eSports Clublogo stdeXeAt
DHXDark Horselogo std 1 0 Cursed Ragelogo stdCSR
B.ModeBeast Modelogo std 0 1 Isuruslogo stdISG
RoHRenegades of Helllogo std 0 1 Cursed Ragelogo stdCSR
DHXDark Horselogo std 1 0 Team LGLlogo stdLGL
CdRColiseo Dragonslogo std 1 0 EXeAt eSports Clublogo stdeXeAt

Day 3[]

Mar 28
CdRColiseo Dragonslogo std 1 0 Dark Horselogo stdDHX
CSRCursed Ragelogo std 1 0 Isuruslogo stdISG
B.ModeBeast Modelogo std 1 0 EXeAt eSports Clublogo stdeXeAt
RoHRenegades of Helllogo std 1 0 Team LGLlogo stdLGL
RoHRenegades of Helllogo std 0 1 Coliseo Dragonslogo stdCdR
eXeAtEXeAt eSports Clublogo std 0 1 Isuruslogo stdISG
B.ModeBeast Modelogo std 0 1 Dark Horselogo stdDHX
LGLTeam LGLlogo std 0 1 Cursed Ragelogo stdCSR
ISGIsuruslogo std 0 1 Dark Horselogo stdDHX
CdRColiseo Dragonslogo std 1 0 Team LGLlogo stdLGL
CSRCursed Ragelogo std 1 0 Beast Modelogo stdB.Mode
eXeAtEXeAt eSports Clublogo std 1 0 Renegades of Helllogo stdRoH

Day 4[]

Apr 2
CdRColiseo Dragonslogo std 0 1 Cursed Ragelogo stdCSR
LGLTeam LGLlogo std 0 1 Isuruslogo stdISG
DHXDark Horselogo std 1 0 EXeAt eSports Clublogo stdeXeAt
RoHRenegades of Helllogo std 0 1 Beast Modelogo stdB.Mode
RoHRenegades of Helllogo std 0 1 Dark Horselogo stdDHX
CdRColiseo Dragonslogo std 0 1 Isuruslogo stdISG
CSRCursed Ragelogo std 1 0 EXeAt eSports Clublogo stdeXeAt
B.ModeBeast Modelogo std 1 0 Team LGLlogo stdLGL

Day 5[]

Apr 3
B.ModeBeast Modelogo std 0 1 Coliseo Dragonslogo stdCdR
RoHRenegades of Helllogo std 0 1 Isuruslogo stdISG
eXeAtEXeAt eSports Clublogo std 1 0 Team LGLlogo stdLGL
CSRCursed Ragelogo std 0 1 Dark Horselogo stdDHX
ISGIsuruslogo std 1 0 Beast Modelogo stdB.Mode
CSRCursed Ragelogo std 1 0 Renegades of Helllogo stdRoH
LGLTeam LGLlogo std 0 1 Dark Horselogo stdDHX
eXeAtEXeAt eSports Clublogo std 0 1 Coliseo Dragonslogo stdCdR

Day 6[]

Apr 4
DHXDark Horselogo std 1 0 Coliseo Dragonslogo stdCdR
ISGIsuruslogo std 1 0 Cursed Ragelogo stdCSR
eXeAtEXeAt eSports Clublogo std 0 1 Beast Modelogo stdB.Mode
LGLTeam LGLlogo std 0 0 Renegades of Helllogo stdRoH
CdRColiseo Dragonslogo std 1 0 Renegades of Helllogo stdRoH
ISGIsuruslogo std 1 0 EXeAt eSports Clublogo stdeXeAt
DHXDark Horselogo std 1 0 Beast Modelogo stdB.Mode
CSRCursed Ragelogo std 1 0 Team LGLlogo stdLGL
DHXDark Horselogo std 0 1 Isuruslogo stdISG
LGLTeam LGLlogo std 0 1 Coliseo Dragonslogo stdCdR
B.ModeBeast Modelogo std 1 0 Cursed Ragelogo stdCSR
RoHRenegades of Helllogo std 0 0 EXeAt eSports Clublogo stdeXeAt





See Also[]

External Links[]

