Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki
Closing Season
2015 CDLN Closing Season
2017 CDLN
Tournament Information
OrganizerRiot Games
Location & Dates
Event TypeOnline
Start Date2015-07-09
End Date2015-07-18
Social Media & Links
Infobox Homepagelogo std


The 2015 LAN Circuit Of Legends (Spanish: Circuito de Leyendas LAN 2015) is the second season of the secondary league in Latin America North. At the playoffs, the teams will face to each other looking for spots in the LLN.


  • 8 teams
  • Double Round Robin.
  • Each match is Bo1.
  • Ties are broken by:
    • Head to head record.
    • If still tied, a tiebreaker match will be played.
    • If there are more than 2 teams tied. The 2 teams with the high overall KDA will play a tiebreaker.
  • Top 2 teams will play in the Promotion.

Prize Pool[]

PlacementIcon1 1LAN 2016 Opening Cup PromotionOwnsTimelogo stdOwnsTime
PlacementIcon2 2LAN 2016 Opening Cup PromotionOsos Mafiososlogo stdOsos Mafiosos
PlacementIcon3 3Team C3logo stdTeam C3
4BrawL eSportslogo stdBrawL eSports
5Ordo Equitumlogo stdOrdo Equitum
6Slaughter Gaminglogo stdSlaughter Gaming
7Frozen Racoonslogo stdFrozen Racoons


Frozen Racoons
Team Icon - ShowTeam Icon - Hide
Frozen Racoonslogo square



 a red devil


 Justin Law
Team Icon - ShowTeam Icon - Hide
OwnsTimelogo square





Slaughter Gaming
Team Icon - ShowTeam Icon - Hide
Slaughter Gaminglogo square





Team C3
Team Icon - ShowTeam Icon - Hide
Team C3logo square





Team Quetzal leaves the tournament.


1. OwnsTimelogo stdOwnsTime 9-3
2. Osos Mafiososlogo stdOsos Mafiosos 9-3
3. Team C3logo stdTeam C3 8-4
4. BrawL eSportslogo stdBrawL eSports 7-5
5. Ordo Equitumlogo stdOrdo Equitum 5-8
6. Slaughter Gaminglogo stdSlaughter Gaming 3-9
7. Frozen Racoonslogo stdFrozen Racoons 2-9

Eye - Show AllMatches


Day 1[]

Jul 9
BWLBrawL eSportslogo std 1 0 Slaughter Gaminglogo stdSLG
OTOwnsTimelogo std 0 0 Frozen Racoonslogo stdFzR
TC3Team C3logo std 0 0 Osos Mafiososlogo stdOSM
BWLBrawL eSportslogo std 0 1 OwnsTimelogo stdOT
OEOrdo Equitumlogo std 0 1 Frozen Racoonslogo stdFzR
SLGSlaughter Gaminglogo std 0 1 Osos Mafiososlogo stdOSM

Day 2[]

Jul 10
SLGSlaughter Gaminglogo std 0 1 OwnsTimelogo stdOT
OEOrdo Equitumlogo std 0 1 Osos Mafiososlogo stdOSM
FzRFrozen Racoonslogo std 0 1 Team C3logo stdTC3
FzRFrozen Racoonslogo std 0 1 BrawL eSportslogo stdBWL
TC3Team C3logo std 1 0 Ordo Equitumlogo stdOE
OSMOsos Mafiososlogo std 0 1 OwnsTimelogo stdOT

Day 3[]

Jul 11
OTOwnsTimelogo std 1 0 Ordo Equitumlogo stdOE
TC3Team C3logo std 1 0 BrawL eSportslogo stdBWL
FzRFrozen Racoonslogo std 1 0 Slaughter Gaminglogo stdSLG
BWLBrawL eSportslogo std 0 1 Ordo Equitumlogo stdOE
TC3Team C3logo std 1 0 Slaughter Gaminglogo stdSLG
OSMOsos Mafiososlogo std 1 0 Frozen Racoonslogo stdFzR
BWLBrawL eSportslogo std 0 1 Osos Mafiososlogo stdOSM
OTOwnsTimelogo std 1 0 Team C3logo stdTC3
OEOrdo Equitumlogo std 1 0 Slaughter Gaminglogo stdSLG

Day 4[]

Jul 16
SLGSlaughter Gaminglogo std 1 0 BrawL eSportslogo stdBWL
FzRFrozen Racoonslogo std 0 1 OwnsTimelogo stdOT
OSMOsos Mafiososlogo std 1 0 Team C3logo stdTC3
OTOwnsTimelogo std 0 1 BrawL eSportslogo stdBWL
FzRFrozen Racoonslogo std 0 1 Ordo Equitumlogo stdOE
OSMOsos Mafiososlogo std 1 0 Slaughter Gaminglogo stdSLG

Day 5[]

Jul 17
OTOwnsTimelogo std 1 0 Slaughter Gaminglogo stdSLG
OSMOsos Mafiososlogo std 1 0 Ordo Equitumlogo stdOE
TC3Team C3logo std 1 0 Frozen Racoonslogo stdFzR
BWLBrawL eSportslogo std 1 0 Frozen Racoonslogo stdFzR
OEOrdo Equitumlogo std 1 0 Team C3logo stdTC3
OTOwnsTimelogo std 0 1 Osos Mafiososlogo stdOSM

Day 6[]

Jul 18
OEOrdo Equitumlogo std 0 1 OwnsTimelogo stdOT
BWLBrawL eSportslogo std 1 0 Team C3logo stdTC3
SLGSlaughter Gaminglogo std 1 0 Frozen Racoonslogo stdFzR
OEOrdo Equitumlogo std 0 1 BrawL eSportslogo stdBWL
SLGSlaughter Gaminglogo std 0 1 Team C3logo stdTC3
FzRFrozen Racoonslogo std 0 1 Osos Mafiososlogo stdOSM
OSMOsos Mafiososlogo std 0 1 BrawL eSportslogo stdBWL
TC3Team C3logo std 1 0 OwnsTimelogo stdOT
SLGSlaughter Gaminglogo std 1 0 Ordo Equitumlogo stdOE





See Also[]

External Links[]

