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Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki
CNM 2022 Closing Season
Circuito Nacional Mexico
Tournament Information
Location & Dates
Latin America
Event TypeOnline
Start Date2022-09-29
End Date2022-10-23
Social Media & Links
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The Mexico National Circuit (Spanish: Circuito Nacional México) is one of the biggest League of Legends semiprofessional circuits in Mexico. The teams compete for a prize pool. It's organized by the Spanish Liga de Videojuegos Profesional.



  • Four tournaments:
    • Each tournament gives a specific amount of accumulative points depending on the position reached. The amount of points grow in each tournament as shown in the following table.
Position 1st Tournament 2nd Tournament 3rd Tournament 4th Tournament
1 2200 3300 4400 5500
2 1600 2400 3200 4000
3-4 1100 1650 2200 2750
5-8 700 1050 1400 1750
9-16 400 600 800 1000
17-32 200 300 400 500
33-64 100 150 200 250
  • Cumulative table:
    • Top 8 teams of the table advance to the Playoffs

Prize Pool[]

PlacementIcon1 1PlayoffsThe Kings Academylogo stdThe Kings Academy
PlacementIcon2 2PlayoffsDragones Carolinalogo stdDragones Carolina
PlacementIcon3 3PlayoffsEVO Proyecto Academialogo stdEVO PA
4PlayoffsPolar Squad Esportslogo stdPolar Squad
5PlayoffsForzalogo stdForza
6PlayoffsTeam Anomaly Breakerlogo stdTeam Anomaly Breaker
7PlayoffsReven Esportslogo stdReven Esports
8PlayoffsEVO Destinylogo stdEVO Destiny

National Tournaments[]

Points Ranking[]

  • Only Top 12 is shown below.
1The Kings Academylogo stdThe Kings Academy220010501400550010150
2Dragones Carolinalogo stdDragones Carolina200150440027507500
3EVO Proyecto Academialogo stdEVO PA11001050220027507100
4Polar Squad Esportslogo stdPolar Squad110060080040006500
5Forzalogo stdForza4001050320010005650
6Team Anomaly Breakerlogo stdTeam Anomaly Breaker1600600140017505350
7Reven Esportslogo stdReven Esports100240040017504650
8EVO Destinylogo stdEVO Destiny40033004005004600
9Logo stdAXO6400150220017504500
10Borregos MTYlogo stdBorregos MTY200165014005003750
11Logo stdAlejandra Guzman Fans1001050140010003550
12Vatra Gaminglogo stdVatra Gaming20060080017503350

Top 4 by Tournament[]

September 29 - October 23

T # Finals Date 1st place 2nd place Semifinalists
1 2022-10-02 The Kings Academylogo stdThe Kings Academy Team Anomaly Breakerlogo stdTeam Anomaly Breaker EVO Proyecto Academialogo stdEVO Proyecto Academia Polar Squad Esportslogo stdPolar Squad Esports
2 2022-10-09 EVO Destinylogo stdEVO Destiny Reven Esportslogo stdReven Esports Borregos MTYlogo stdBorregos MTY Logo stdEVO Coven
3 2022-10-16 Dragones Carolinalogo stdDragones Carolina Forzalogo stdForza Logo stdAXO6 EVO Proyecto Academialogo stdEVO Proyecto Academia
4 2022-10-23 The Kings Academylogo stdThe Kings Academy Polar Squad Esportslogo stdPolar Squad Esports Dragones Carolinalogo stdDragones Carolina EVO Proyecto Academialogo stdEVO Proyecto Academia


