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Closing Season
CNA 2019 Closing Season
Circuito Nacional Argentina
Tournament Information
Location & Dates
Latin America
Event TypeOnline
Start Date2019-06-27
End Date2019-08-05
Social Media & Links
Infobox Homepagelogo std



  • Four tournaments:
    • Each tournament gives a specific amount of accumulative points depending on the position reached. The amount of points grow in each tournament as shown in the following table.
Position 1st Tournament 2nd Tournament 3rd Tournament 4th Tournament
1 2200 3300 4400 5500
2 1600 2400 3200 4000
3-4 1100 1650 2200 2750
5-8 700 1050 1400 1750
9-16 400 600 800 1000
17-32 200 300 400 500
33-64 100 150 200 250

Prize Pool[]

QOpening PromotionLynx E-Sports Whitelogo stdLynx E-Sports White
Hawkslogo stdHawks
ECOLE eSportslogo stdECOLE eSports
Spirits Zone Esportslogo stdSpirits Zone

National Tournaments[]

Points Ranking[]

  • Only Top 8 is shown below.
1Lynx E-Sports Whitelogo stdLynx E-Sports White1,22200-3200550010900
2Hawkslogo stdHawks11002400140027507650
3ECOLE eSportslogo stdECOLE eSports316001650140027507400
4Spirits Zone Esportslogo stdSpirits Zone2001050220017505200
5Lynx E-Sports Blacklogo stdLynx E-Sports Black4400105080040005080
6Logo stdEw Gaming Club7001050140017504900
7Logo stdGamers of the Galaxy1100300140017504550
8Malvinas Gaminglogo stdMalvinas Gaming501650440017504159
1 Wolves E-Sports was disqualified of Tournament 2 due to account sharing player.
2 Wolves E-Sports was renamed to Lynx E-Sports White.
3 Freedom Dragons was renamed to ECOLE eSports.
4 Lynx E-Sports Black was penalized with 1170 points in Tournament 4.
5 Malvinas Gaming was penalized with 3641‬ points in Tournament 4.

Top 4 by Tournament[]

June 27 - August 2

T # Finals Date 1st place 2nd place Semifinalists
1 2019-06-30 Wolves E-Sportslogo stdWolves E-Sports Logo stdFreedom Dragons Hawkslogo stdHawks & Logo stdWolves eSports Academy
2 2019-07-12 Wolves E-Sportslogo stdWolves E-Sports Hawkslogo stdHawks Logo stdFreedom Dragons & Malvinas Gaminglogo stdMalvinas Gaming
3 2019-07-24 Malvinas Gaminglogo stdMalvinas Gaming Lynx E-Sports Whitelogo stdLynx E-Sports White Spirits Zone Esportslogo stdSpirits Zone Esports & Ivyaert eSportslogo stdIvyaert eSports
4 2019-08-05 Lynx E-Sports Whitelogo stdLynx E-Sports White Lynx E-Sports Blacklogo stdLynx E-Sports Black ECOLE eSportslogo stdECOLE eSports & Spirits Zone Esportslogo stdSpirits Zone Esports

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