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CBLOL Allstars
CBLOL Allstars Logo
Team Information
Org Location


This page contains all of the rosters of the teams sent to All-Star events from the CBLOL.

Player Roster[]

All-Star 2020[]

ID Name Role 2020 Team
Robo Leonardo Souza 11Top PaiN Gaminglogo stdpaiN Gaming
CarioK Marcos Oliveira 12Jungle PaiN Gaminglogo stdpaiN Gaming
tinowns Thiago Sartori 13Mid PaiN Gaminglogo stdpaiN Gaming
brTT Felipe Gonçalves 14Bot PaiN Gaminglogo stdpaiN Gaming
esA Eidi Yanagimachi 15Support PaiN Gaminglogo stdpaiN Gaming

All-Star Las Vegas 2019[]

ID Name Role 2019 Team
Goku Bruno Miyaguchi 13Mid Flamengo Esportslogo stdFlamengo Esports
Shrimp Lee Byeong-hoon (이병훈) 12Jungle Flamengo Esportslogo stdFlamengo Esports
Jovirone João Victor Rodrigues 12Jungle Streamerlogo stdStreamer
Riyuuka Monica Arruda 15Support PaiN Gaminglogo stdStreamer
Jschritte Juan Schritte Cloud9logo stdTFT Player

All-Star Las Vegas 2018[]

ID Name Role 2018 Team
Rakin Rafael Knittel 13Mid CNB e-Sports Clublogo stdCNB e-Sports Club
brTT Felipe Gonçalves 14Bot Flamengo Esportslogo stdFlamengo Esports
Jukes Flávio Fernandes 11Top Streamerlogo stdStreamer
YoDa Felipe Noronha 13Mid Streamerlogo stdStreamer

All-Star Los Angeles 2017[]

ID Name Role 2017 Team
VVvert Álvaro Martins 11Top Team oNe eSportslogo stdTeam oNe eSports
Revolta Gabriel Henud 12Jungle Keyd Starslogo stdKeyd Stars
Kami Gabriel Santos 13Mid PaiN Gaminglogo stdpaiN Gaming
brTT Felipe Gonçalves 14Bot RED Canidslogo stdRED Canids
Dioud Hugo Padioleau 15Support RED Canidslogo stdRED Canids
Peter Peter Dun 41Coach INTZlogo stdINTZ

International Wildcard All-Star Barcelona 2016[]

ID Name Role 2016 Team
Yang Felipe Zhao 11Top INTZlogo stdINTZ
Revolta Gabriel Henud 12Jungle INTZlogo stdINTZ
Kami Gabriel Santos 13Mid PaiN Gaminglogo stdpaiN Gaming
pbo Pablo Yuri 14Bot CNB e-Sports Clublogo stdCNB e-Sports Club
Dioud Hugo Padioleau 15Support RED Canidslogo stdRED Canids

International Wildcard All-Star Melbourne 2015[]

ID Name Role 2015 Team
LEP Pedro Marcari 11Top KaBuM! Orangelogo stdKaBuM! Orange
Revolta Gabriel Henud 12Jungle INTZlogo stdINTZ
Kami Gabriel Santos 13Mid PaiN Gaminglogo stdpaiN Gaming
brTT Felipe Gonçalves 14Bot PaiN Gaminglogo stdpaiN Gaming
Loop Caio Almeida 15Support INTZlogo stdINTZ
Alocs Leonardo Belo 26Substitute None


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

CBLOL Allstars Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
Total Prize:

This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

CBLOL Allstars Showmatch Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2017-12-087 - 8 All-Star 2017 Los Angeles
0 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
 VVvert,  Revolta,  Kami,  brTT,  Dioud,  Peter
2016-12-04NQ All-Star 2016 IWC Barcelona
2015-11-29NQ All-Star 2015 IWC Melbourne
3 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
 LEP,  Revolta,  Kami,  brTT,  Loop,  Alocs
Total Prize: USD 0

