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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Brizz Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2024-10-311 T1 Lucca Comics and Games
ANc Outplayedlogo stdOP Lobellan,  Fragola,  Vyct0r,  Tyrone,  Brizz
2024-10-20Q T1 Milan Games Week Qualifier
ANc Outplayedlogo stdOP Lobellan,  Fragola,  Vyct0r,  Tyrone,  Brizz
2024-09-29Q T1 Lucca comics Qualifier
ANc Outplayedlogo stdOP Lobellan,  Fragola,  Vyct0r,  Tyrone,  Brizz
2023-03-312 PG Nationals 2023 Spring Playoffs
2 : 3Macko Esportslogo stdMCK
ANc Outplayedlogo stdOP StenBosse,  Stefan,  Dehaste,  Ellam,  Venzer,  Apples,  Brizz
2023-03-102 PG Nationals 2023 Spring
11 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
ANc Outplayedlogo stdOP StenBosse,  Stefan,  Dehaste,  Ellam,  Venzer,  Apples,  Brizz,  Dimxa
2022-10-253 - 4 Red Bull Factions 2022
1 : 3Atleta Esportlogo stdATE
ANc Outplayedlogo stdOP StenBosse,  DoubleAiM,  Dehaste,  Lindgarde,  HungryPanda,  Pencil,  Brizz
2022-08-25NQ EM 2022 Summer Play-In
3 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
ANc Outplayedlogo stdOP StenBosse,  Lotuss,  Dehaste,  Lindgarde,  HungryPanda,  Panj,  Brizz
2022-08-072 PG Nationals 2022 Summer Playoffs
1 : 3Macko Esportslogo stdMCK
ANc Outplayedlogo stdOP StenBosse,  Lotuss,  Dehaste,  Lindgarde,  HungryPanda,  Panj,  Brizz
2022-07-203 PG Nationals 2022 Summer
9 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
ANc Outplayedlogo stdOP StenBosse,  Lotuss,  Dehaste,  Lindgarde,  HungryPanda,  Panj,  Brizz
2021-06-249 Twitch Rivals x Riot Games 2021 Summer Rumble
2 : 0Logo stdETAC
Logo stdTERE Canelupo,  Fragola,  Lilyane,  Counter,  Brizz
2020-07-156 PG Nationals 2020 Summer Playoffs
1 : 3Cyberground Gaminglogo stdCGG
Campus Party Sparkslogo stdSPK Occlumats,  Gine,  Cohle7,  Unbannedx,  Brizz22,  camm0o
2020-07-095 PG Nationals 2020 Summer
7 - 7Blanklogo stdRR
Campus Party Sparkslogo stdSPK Occlumats,  Gine,  Cohle7,  Unbannedx,  Brizz22,  camm0o
2020-03-113 - 4 PG Nationals 2020 Spring Playoffs
2 : 3Racoon (Italian Team)logo stdRCN
Outplayedlogo stdOP Deidara,  Eckas,  Eren,  Khantos,  Brizz,  Pencil
2020-02-272 PG Nationals 2020 Spring
10 - 4Blanklogo stdRR
Outplayedlogo stdOP Deidara,  Unfail,  Eckas,  Shiziy,  Eren,  Khantos,  Ciglio,  Brizz,  Pencil
2019-12-141 Red Bull Factions 2019 Finals
2 : 0Outplayedlogo stdOP
QLASH Forgelogo stdQ4G Color,  Demon12,  Librid,  Bullet,  Brizz,  Sekuar
2019-12-061 Red Bull Factions 2019
18Blanklogo stdPts
QLASH Forgelogo stdQ4G Color,  Demon12,  Librid,  Bullet,  Brizz,  Sekuar
2019-11-263 - 4 EVC 2019 Winter Playoffs
1 : 2Outplayedlogo stdOP
QLASH Forgelogo stdQ4G Color,  Demon,  Librid,  Bullet,  Brizz,  Sekuar
2019-11-182 EVC 2019 Winter
5-2-0Blanklogo stdRR
QLASH Forgelogo stdQ4G Gabbo,  Color,  Demon,  Librid,  Bullet,  Brizz,  Sekuar
2019-09-271 PG Nationals Intel Showdown 2019
1 : 0Campus Party Sparkslogo stdSPK
PG NATS Italian All Starslogo stdAST Acefos,  demon12,  aki,  DrMatt,  Brizz,  Sekuar
2019-07-282 PG Nationals 2019 Summer Playoffs
1 : 3Campus Party Sparkslogo stdSPK
Outplayedlogo stdOP Sleeping,  Eckas,  Saulius9,  Bullet,  Brizz,  Pencil
2019-07-151 PG Nationals 2019 Summer
12 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
Outplayedlogo stdOP Sleeping,  Eckas,  Saulius,  Bullet,  Brizz,  Pencil
2019-03-223 - 4 PG Nationals 2019 Spring Playoffs
0 : 3Campus Party Sparkslogo stdSPK
Outplayedlogo stdOP Zvene,  styllEE,  DrMatt,  Chrisberg,  Brizz,  Pencil,  Phoma
2019-03-115 PG Nationals 2019 Spring
6 - 8Blanklogo stdRR
Outplayedlogo stdOP Skar,  DahVys,  Numen,  Gama,  styllEE,  DrMatt,  Chrisberg,  Brizz,  Pencil,  Phoma
2018-12-151 EVC 2018 Winter Playoffs
2 : 0IDomina eSportslogo stdiD
Outplayedlogo stdOP Weizor,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Bullet,  Brizz,  Pencil
2018-11-291 EVC 2018 Winter
7-1-1Blanklogo stdRR
Outplayedlogo stdOP Weizor,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Bullet,  Brizz,  Pencil
2018-10-072 Red Bull Factions 2018 Main Event
1 : 2Team Forgelogo std4G
Outplayedlogo stdOP Orome,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Bullet,  Brizz
2018-09-225 - 8 EM 2018 Summer Main Event
0 : 2EURONICS Gaminglogo stdESG
Outplayedlogo stdOP Weizor,  Demon12,  DrMatt,  Bullet,  Brizz,  Pencil
2018-07-281 PG Nationals 2018 Summer Playoffs
3 : 0Team Forgelogo std4G
Outplayedlogo stdOP Weizor,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Bullet,  Brizz,  Pencil
2018-07-25Q Red Bull Factions 2018 Qualifier #1
3 : 1Racoon (Italian Team)logo stdRCN
Outplayedlogo stdOP Weizor,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Bullet,  Brizz,  Pencil
2018-07-092 PG Nationals 2018 Summer
11 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
Outplayedlogo stdOP Weizor,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Bullet,  Brizz,  Pencil
2018-07-011 EIC 2018 Summer Playoffs
2 : 0Team Forgelogo std4G
Outplayedlogo stdOP Weizor,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Bullet,  Brizz
2018-06-071 EIC 2018 Summer
6 - 1Blanklogo stdRR
Outplayedlogo stdOP Belze,  Kooiji,  Weizor,  Shadow,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Proxeyy,  Bullet,  Brizz
2018-04-081 Lega Prima Season 3 Playoffs
3 : 1Team Forgelogo std4G
Outplayedlogo stdOP Orome,  Shadow,  DrMatt,  Proxeyy,  Brizz,  Pencil
2018-03-312 PG Nationals 2018 Spring Playoffs
1 : 3Team Forgelogo std4G
Outplayedlogo stdOP Orome,  Shadow,  DrMatt,  Proxeyy,  Brizz,  Pencil
2018-03-151 PG Nationals 2018 Spring
10 - 0Blanklogo stdRR
Outplayedlogo stdOP Orome,  Belze,  Shadow,  DrMatt,  Riccarlino,  Proxeyy,  Brizz,  Pencil
2018-03-132 Lega Prima Season 3
9-4-1Blanklogo stdRR
Outplayedlogo stdOP Belze,  Ryko,  Orome,  Shadow,  DrMatt,  Saviero,  Hej san,  Proxeyy,  Brizz,  Trymbi,  Pencil
2017-12-172 EIC 2017 Winter Playoffs
0 : 3Team Forgelogo std4G
Outplayed WARlogo stdOP WAR Belze,  Ryko,  Shadow,  DrMatt,  Traitor,  Brizz
2017-11-291 EIC 2017 Winter
7 - 0Blanklogo stdRR
Outplayed WARlogo stdOP WAR Ryko,  Belze,  Shadow,  Kooiji,  DrMatt,  Traitor,  Shield,  Brizz
2017-10-073 - 4 Lega Prima Season 2 Playoffs
0 : 3Team Forgelogo std4G
True eSportlogo stdTeS Belze,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Counter,  Brizz,  Dracyen
2017-10-013 - 4 Red Bull Factions 2017
0 : 2Outplayed WARlogo stdOP WAR
NextGaminglogo stdNxG Belze,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Counter,  Brizz
2017-07-256 Lega Prima Season 2
4-5-5Blanklogo stdRR
True eSportlogo stdTeS abSenT,  InfinityCla,  PonZ,  Belze,  ClaP,  Gale,  Demon,  Tsuzume,  MrClean,  DrMatt,  Gun,  Kheriata,  Counter,  Cactua,  Spikelife,  Brizz,  Dracyen
2017-06-021 EIC 2017 Summer Playoffs
3 : 0Team Forge Redlogo std4GR
NextGaminglogo stdNxG Belze,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Sketch,  Brizz,  Coach Shelby
2017-05-181 EIC 2017 Summer
10-2-0Blanklogo stdRR
NextGaminglogo stdNxG Belze,  Demon,  Xoxyi,  DrMatt,  Brizz,  Sketch
2017-05-01NQ EUCS 2017 Summer Open Qualifiers
FF : WMysterious Monkeyslogo stdMM
NextGaminglogo stdNxG Belze,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Sketch,  BriZZ
2017-04-231 IGL 2017 Playoffs
3 : 2True eSportlogo stdTeS
NextGaminglogo stdNxG Belze,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Sketch,  Brizz
2017-03-291 IGL 2017 Regular Season
6 - 1Blanklogo stdRR
NextGaminglogo stdNxG Belze,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Sketch,  Brizz
2017-03-078 Lega Prima Season 1
0-0-0Blanklogo stdRR
NextGaminglogo stdNxG Rumen,  Demon,  Kooiji,  DrMatt,  Sketch,  Brizz,  Ennen
2016-12-20NQ EUCS 2017 Spring Open Qualifiers
1 : 2AlienTech eSportslogo stdALI
NextGaminglogo stdNxG abSenT,  Demon,  DrMatt,  Sketch,  Brizz
2016-10-302 Torneo Nazionale Italiano 2016
0 : 3Team Forgelogo std4G
NextGaminglogo stdNxG Rumen,  Demon,  Kooiji,  Sketch,  Brizz,  Ferakton
2016-10-161 Milan Games Week League 2016
3 : 2Team Forgelogo std4G
NextGaminglogo stdNxG Rumen,  Demon,  Kooiji,  Sketch,  Brizz,  Ferakton
2016-09-252 IGL 2016 Main Event
1 : 3Team Forgelogo std4G
NextGaminglogo stdNxG Rumen,  Demon,  Kooiji,  Sketch,  Brizz,  Ferakton
2016-09-04Q IGL 2016 Qualifications
NextGaminglogo stdNxG Rumen,  Demon,  Kooiji,  Sketch,  Brizz
2016-05-10NQ EUCS 2016 Summer Open Qualifiers
0 : 2K1ck Blacklogo stdK1CK.B
AtraXlogo stdaTx vANEZ,  Belze,  ClaP,  DrMatt,  Counter,  Brizz
2016-04-171 Italian Team League
3 : 1True eSportlogo stdTeS
AtraXlogo stdaTx Belze,  ClaP,  DrMatt,  Counter,  Brizz,  Crus
2016-02-241 Nexus Fall League Playoffs
3 : 1Team EasyFixlogo stdEFX
AtraXlogo stdaTx Belze,  ClaP,  DrMatt,  Counter,  Brizz
2016-02-171 Nexus Fall League Group Stage - A
3-0-0Blanklogo stdRR
AtraXlogo stdaTx Belze,  ClaP,  DrMatt,  Counter,  Brizz
2016-01-06NQ EUCS 2016 Spring Open Qualifiers
1 : 2Asterion eSportslogo stdAST
AtraXlogo stdaTx Belze,  ClaP,  DrMatt,  Counter,  Brizz
2015-11-012 Invitational Italiano 2015
0 : 3NextGaminglogo stdNxG
AtraXlogo stdaTx Belze,  Blue,  DrMatt,  Counter,  Brizz
2015-10-252 Milan Games Week League 2015
0 : 2Team Extreme Supremacylogo stdTES
AtraXlogo stdaTx Belze,  Blue,  DrMatt,  Counter,  Brizz
2014-10-313 - 4 Torneo Nazionale Italiano 2014
1 : 2AtraXlogo stdaTx
Logo stdHORI Cryoken,  ClaP,  Kooiji,  Counter,  Brizz