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Team has disbanded.
Brave e-Sports
Brave e-Sports Logo
Team Information
Org Location
G-FIRE Computadores
CreatedRenamed 2015-05
Social Media & Links
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Brave e-Sports is a Brazilian team, formerly known as RMA e-Sports and Remo Brave e-Sports.


Season 5[]

In May 2015 RMA e-Sports is renamed to Brave e-Sports. The purpose of the change basically came from the need to change the name, since RMA name concided with Return Material Authorization, and several technological companies were not willing to sponsor such a dark acronym in the game market. The rebranding took place after the announcement that the organization was inaugurating its Gaming House. A new phase was beginning, without losing the identity, the mascot and the colors.[1].

In the same month, Brave begins to prepare its team for the second season of the Challenger Series. The team was formed by Thulz, who returned as a remnant of the last line up, Bielz, Sass, EzPrince and BocaJR. With this team, the lions played the Brasil Mega Arena Rio 2015, but finishing the competition below the expected, in fourth place. After the championship, the team made changes with the exit of BocaJR and the entrance of Lukez and were ready to play the Challenger Circuit.

The team started well, winning a second place in Xtreme League #3, but eventually Bielz and Sass decided to follow another path. Brave then brought the jungler Flozer and the midlaner Rakin [2], who had just returned from the CLG Academy. Flozer did not stay for long, left with the promise of playing in one of the leading scorers teams, which did not occur. The first Brazilian Challenge Series was still in an early stage of development, with no clear rules of anti-poaching and on an experimental basis, which made it difficult for several teams. Brave were one of the affected teams, finishing in fifth place.

For the next season of 2016, now better regulated and in league format produced by XLG, the team was assembled and tested during several opportunities at smaller events during the second half of 2015. Thulz was kept at the top followed by Cabuloso entry. Shinigami, Sarkis, and Ktchorro completed the list [3]. With this team, Brave got access to the Challenger Series [4].

Season 6[]

For the first season, changes were made. Ktchorro now gives place to Freire in the jungle. The team begins working within a Gaming House for the first time in the organization's history. However, despite being one of three teams within a competition training center, the lions felt an unexpected difficulty. The Braves almost had to play relegation, escaping for the third tiebreaker: win time, with a 3-minute lead over fifth-placed Keyd Warriors. It ranked Brave for the BRCC 2016 Split 1 Playoffs and in an enlightened match, they managed to pull a game from the series against Big Gods in the quarterfinals, the favorite team to the title. With this, the lions won the third position by the tiebreaker criterion, since Robot E-Sports Team had not won any game in their series against Overload. With the result, the brave lions played the CBLOL 2016 Split 2 Promotion against CNB e-Sports Club and lost by 3x0.

During Relegation in April, the team announced a partnership with Clube do Remo, the largest football club in the North of Brazil and one of the clubs with most supporters in Brazil, and for now on the team is named as Remo Brave.

Before the second split, the team attended to the Brasil Mega Arena Rio 2016. This event was the debut of 4LaN in the line up, replacing Freire. Another preparation event was Razer Challenge - Rei do Nexus.

In the BRCC 2016 Split 2, the season that followed was magical: the lions scored 16-0, unbeaten in the competition, and joined the restricted List of Perfect Games with the match against Ilha da Macacada Gaming. The now Remo Brave wins the final with a sony 3x0 against Team Genesis and automatically qualifies for CBLoL 2017, marking the return of the lions to the elite of the competition after 3 years.

During the post season, the team played two tournaments: XLG SuperCup 2016 and ESL BRPL Season 2.

Latter this year, the team joined as an associated member of ABCDE, the Brazilian e-Sports Clubs Association.


  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017

Player Roster[]

Formerly on Loan[]

R C ID Name Role Loaned From Duration
Balto Paulo Vinícius 11Top Merciless Gaminglogo stdMerciless Gaming Superliga ABCDE 2017
Days4fun Gabriel Dias 12Jungle
Aslan Eduardo Nunes 13Mid
Mills Guilherme Conti 14Bot
Codpiece Alexandre de Carli 15Support


C ID Name Role Next Team Joined Left
Thulz Vinícius Machado 11Top Retiredlogo stdRetired 2015-05-292015-05-29 2017-08-282017-08-28
Daniquest Daniel Cerruti 11Top Pixel Esports Clublogo stdPixel Esports Club 2017-06-202017-06-20 2017-08-282017-08-28
Bgob Bruno Giovane 12Jungle PaiN Gaminglogo stdpaiN Gaming 2017-05-232017-05-23 2017-08-282017-08-28
Misor Wyvern Gabriel Vicente 22Sub/Jun Retiredlogo stdRetired 2017-05-232017-05-23 2017-08-282017-08-28
huez0rd Guilherme Moraes 25Sub/Sup Retiredlogo stdRetired 2017-06-012017-06-01 ???
Evrot Danniel Franco 13Mid Flamengo Esportslogo stdFlamengo Esports 2016-03-282016-03-28 2017-08-232017-08-23
Sarkis Matheus Guimarães 14Bot Ilha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdIDM Gaming 2015-12-022015-12-02 2017-08-232017-08-23
Cabuloso Victor Oliveira 15Support RED Canidslogo stdRED Canids 2015-07-112015-07-?? 2017-08-232017-08-23
4LaN Alanderson Meireles 12Jungle Team oNe eSportslogo stdTeam oNe eSports 2016-11-012016-11-01 2017-04-282017-04-28
4LaN Alanderson Meireles 12Jungle Remo Brave e-Sportslogo stdRemo Brave e-Sports 2016-04-272016-04-27 2016-09-192016-09-19
Freire Matheus Freire 12Jungle E-Champ Gaminglogo stde-Champ Gaming 2015-12-202015-12-20 2016-04-182016-04-18
Tomate Alaor Leão 13Mid KaBuM! Esportslogo stdKaBuM! Esports 2015-12-022015-12-02 2016-03-112016-03-??
KTCHORO Guilherme Henrique 12Jungle Retiredlogo stdRetired 2015-12-022015-12-02 2015-12-202015-12-20
Flozer Pedro Luiz 12Jungle Retiredlogo stdRetired ??? ???
EzPrince Victor Sun 14Bot Estúdio XP e-Sportslogo stdEstúdio XP e-Sports 2015-06-032015-06-03 2015-09-112015-09-??
Rakin Rafael Knittel 13Mid JAYOB e-Sportslogo stdJAYOB e-Sports 2015-06-272015-06-27 2015-07-272015-07-27
BocaJR Emerson Alencar 15Support Ownerd e-Sportslogo stdOwnerd e-Sports 2015-06-032015-06-03 2015-07-112015-07-??
bielz Gabriel Dallaruvera 12Jungle Seven Wars e-Sportslogo stdSeven Wars e-Sports 2015-06-032015-06-03 2015-06-262015-06-26
Sáss Eduardo Sass 13Mid Seven Wars e-Sportslogo stdSeven Wars e-Sports 2015-06-032015-06-03 2015-06-262015-06-26

Player League Participation[]

Playoff games are NOT included, but regular-season tiebreaker games ARE.


Split 1Split 2PostSplit 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2
EvrotRemo Brave e-Sportslogo stdKaBuM! Esportslogo stdKaBuM! Esportslogo stdRensga Esportslogo std63
CabuRemo Brave e-Sportslogo stdRED Canidslogo stdIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdINTZlogo std55
4LaNRemo Brave e-Sportslogo stdTeam oNe eSportslogo stdTeam oNe eSportslogo stdTeam oNe eSportslogo std53
SarkisRemo Brave e-Sportslogo stdIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdSantos e-Sportslogo std42
ThulzRemo Brave e-Sportslogo std14


Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1
SarkisBrave e-Sportslogo stdRemo Brave e-Sportslogo stdBrave e-Sportslogo stdIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdHavan Liberty Gaminglogo stdHavan Liberty Gaminglogo stdSantos e-Sportslogo std79
4LaNEstúdio XP e-Sportslogo stdRemo Brave e-Sportslogo stdTeam oNe eSportslogo stdTeam oNe eSportslogo std43
FreireBrave e-Sportslogo stdE-Champ Gaminglogo stdKaBuM! Esportslogo stdOperation Kino e-Sportslogo std40
ThulzBrave e-Sportslogo stdRemo Brave e-Sportslogo stdBrave e-Sportslogo std32
EvrotRemo Brave e-Sportslogo stdBrave e-Sportslogo stdFlamengo Esportslogo stdFalkollogo stdFalkollogo stdFalkollogo std75



C ID Name Position Next Team
Thongar Tiago Sans CEO Retiredlogo stdRetired
naat1 Natália Franco Administrative Director Retiredlogo stdRetired
Lari Larissa Batista Psychologist Retiredlogo stdRetired
Erickão Erick Cardoso Coach Ilha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdIDM Gaming
RafaP Rafael Pinheiro Analyst Kaos Latin Gamerslogo stdKaos Latin Gamers
Cais Felipe Camargo Analyst Retiredlogo stdRetired
FeeFoo Sylvio Junior Coach KaBuM! IDM UPlogo stdKaBuM! IDM UP
Pdr Pedro Passos 80Coach Retiredlogo stdRetired


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Brave e-Sports Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2017-12-105 - 10 Superliga ABCDE 2017
1-1-6Blanklogo stdRR
 Balto,  Days4fun,  Aslan,  Mills,  Codpiece
2017-08-22NQ BRCC 2018 Split 1 Promotion
2 : 3CNB Trinity Whitelogo stdCNB TrW
 Daniquest,  Bgob,  Evrot,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso
2017-07-116R$3,500R$3,500R$3,500 BRCC 2017 Split 2
0-0-5Blanklogo stdRR
 Thulz,  Daniquest,  Bgob,  Misor Wyvern,  Evrot,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso,  Erickão
2016-03-073R$2,500$ 677.65€ 606.8 BRCC 2016 Split 1 Playoffs
1 : 3Big Godslogo stdBGG
 Thulz,  Freire,  Tomate,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso
2016-02-234 BRCC 2016 Split 1
0-3-2Blanklogo stdRR
 Thulz,  Freire,  Tomate,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso
2016-01-095 - 8 ESL Go4LoL 2015 December - Monthly Finals BR
0 : 1Logo stdBOA
2015-12-067 BRCC 2016 Split 1 Qualifier
1 : 0Santos Dexteritylogo stdS deX
 Thulz,  KTCHORO,  Tomate,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso
2015-06-074 BRMA 2015 Rio
1 : 2Se Loco Cachorreiralogo stdSLC
 Thulz,  bielz,  Sáss,  EzPrince,  BocaJR
2015-05-172R$2,500$ 825€ 725 Xtreme League #3
0 : 2JAYOB e-Sportslogo stdJAY
 Thulz,  FlozeR,  Sáss,  EzPrince,  huez0rd
Total Prize: USD 0BRL 8,500

This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Remo Brave e-Sports Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2017-03-128R$7,500$ 2,384.18€ 2,251.28 CBLOL 2017 Split 1
0-3-4Blanklogo stdRR
 Thulz,  4LaN,  Evrot,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso,  Erickão
2017-01-182R$5,000R$5,000R$5,000 ESL BRPL Season 2 Playoffs
2 : 3Operation Kino e-Sportslogo stdOPK
 Thulz,  4LaN,  Evrot,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso
2016-11-195 - 8R$3,500$ 1,007.06€ 955.68 XLG SuperCup 2016
0-1-2Blanklogo stdRR
 Thulz,  4LaN,  Evrot,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso
2016-10-071R$5,000R$5,000R$5,000 ESL BRPL Season 2
4-3-0Blanklogo stdRR
 Thulz,  4LaN,  Zuao,  Evrot,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso
2016-08-20Q ESL BRPL Season 2 Promotion
W : FFLogo stdMEET
 Thulz,  4LaN,  Evrot,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso
2016-08-14Q ESL Brasil Premier League S2 Promotion Qualifiers
2 : 0Logo stdCOWB
2016-07-161R$6,000$ 1,828.68€ 1,657.14 BRCC 2016 Split 2 Playoffs
3 : 0Team Genesislogo stdGEN
 Thulz,  4LaN,  Evrot,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso,  FeeFoo
2016-06-211 BRCC 2016 Split 2
5-0-0Blanklogo stdRR
 Thulz,  4LaN,  Evrot,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso,  FeeFoo
2016-04-30Q BRMA 2016 Rio Qualifier
2 : 0Big Godslogo stdBGG
2016-04-285 - 8R$1,750$ 509.27€ 444.59 BRMA 2016 Rio
0 : 2Operation Kino e-Sportslogo stdOPK
 Thulz,  4LaN,  Evrot,  Sarkis,  Cabuloso,  Pdr
Total Prize: BRL 28,750USD 0

Highlight Videos[]





External Links[]


  1. Entrevista exclusiva com o presidente da Brave (Portuguese) TeamPlay.com.br
  2. Jogador brasileiro que tentou vaga na LCS está jogando no Brasil (Portuguese) TeamPlay.com.br
  3. Brave anuncia sua line up de League of Legends para 2016 (Portuguese) BraveeSports.com
  4. Brave substitui Jayob no Circuito Desafiante de 2016 (Portuguese) MyCNB.com.br
  5. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post facebook.com
  6. Thulz's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  7. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  8. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  9. Jogador brasileiro que tentou vaga na LCS NA está jogando no Brasil (Portuguese) teamplay.com.br
  10. JAYOB e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  11. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  12. Brave muda de mid laner para disputa da série de promoção (Portuguese) teamplay.com.br
  13. Brave anuncia parceria com Clube do Remo (Portuguese) braveesports.com
  14. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  15. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  16. O Circuito Desafiante está voltando! Confira TUDO sobre ele! (Portuguese) xlg.uol.com.br
  17. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  18. 4LaN's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  19. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  20. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese/Video) facebook.com
  21. Escalação CBLoL 2017 - Primeira Etapa (Portuguese) br.lolesports.com
  22. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  23. Brave e-Sports' Tweet twitter.com
  24. CBLoL: Destaque no 'Counter-Strike', Team One compra vaga da INTZ Genesis (Portuguese) espn.uol.com.br
  25. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  26. Times e escalações do Circuito Desafiante 2017 - Segunda Etapa (Portuguese) br.lolesports.com
  27. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  28. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  29. Comunicado de Penalidade: Inscrição Daniquest (Portuguese) br.lolesports.com
  30. Evrot's Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  31. Sarkis' Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  32. Cabuloso's Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  33. Brave e-Sports' Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
