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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Bluster Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2022-02-1517 - 26 PGCQ 2022 Spring 2 OQ
2 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
Radiancelogo stdRAD Porsche,  Bluster,  Crimson,  Raheen,  Lightpulse,  Nova
2022-01-249 - 12 PGCQ 2022 Spring 1
1 : 2No Teamlogo stdNOT
Radiancelogo stdRAD Porsche,  Bluster,  Crimson,  Raheen,  Lightpulse,  Nova
2022-01-117 - 16 PGCQ 2022 Spring 1 OQ
3 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
Radiancelogo stdRAD Porsche,  Bluster,  Crimson,  Raheen,  Lightpulse,  Nova
2021-08-119 - 12 Unified Grand Prix 2021 Summer
1 : 2Dignitas Miragelogo stdDIG.M
Evil Geniuses Prodigieslogo stdEG.P Srtty,  Bluster,  Aspect,  Shoryu,  Skytec,  ido
2021-07-274 EGL Summer Showdown Playoffs
1 : 3100 Thieves Nextlogo std100X
Evil Geniuses Prodigieslogo stdEG.P Srtty,  Tomio,  Bluster,  Aspect,  Saskio,  SkyTec,  ido
2021-06-19NQ RCL 2021 Summer Open Qualifier
1 : 2Ping is the Problemlogo stdPIP
Radiancelogo stdRAD TC porsche,  Bluster,  Nova,  Vex,  Cat Ears
2021-05-314 Challengers Uprising Season 3 - Group D
0 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
Radiancelogo stdRAD TheRealPhilip,  Bluster,  Jason Jungle,  shochi,  Vex,  Qitong,  Nova
2021-05-18Q Challengers Uprising Season 3 Qualifier #2
2 : 1Scouting4ProScenelogo stdS4PS
Radiancelogo stdRAD TheRealPhilip,  Bluster,  shochi,  Vex,  Qitong
2021-05-17NQ Challengers Uprising Season 3 Qualifier #1
1 : 2Wildcard Gaming Redlogo stdWCR
Radiancelogo stdRAD TheRealPhilip,  Bluster,  shochi,  Vex,  Qitong,  Nova