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Bilgewater Crest

Nestled away in the Blue Flame Isles archipelago, Bilgewater is a port city like no other—home to serpent-hunters, dock gangs, and smugglers from across the known world. Here, fortunes are made and ambitions shattered in the blink of an eye. For those fleeing justice, debt, or persecution, Bilgewater can be a place of new beginnings, for no one on these twisted streets cares about your past. Even so, with each new dawn, careless travellers can always be found floating in the harbor, their purses empty and their throats slit...

While incredibly dangerous, Bilgewater is ripe with opportunity, free from the shackles of formal government and trade regulation. If you have the coin, almost anything can be purchased here, from outlawed hextech to the favor of local crime lords.


Directly Related Champions
Gangplank 0 Graves 0 Illaoi 0 MissFortune 0 Nautilus 0 Pyke 0 TwistedFate 0

Linked Champions
Fizz 0 TahmKench 0


The Bilgewater Union (commonly referred to as Bilgewater) is an island nation of the Blue Flame Islands, which are located in the southeastern coast of Valoran. Bilgewater was officially founded on September 19, 150 years ago, over time becoming a vital stop for trade ships traveling near the Blue Flame Islands. While this increased the nation's wealth and influence over Valoran, it has also made the nation a major refuge for piracy, and the island itself a tempting target for pirate raids. Rum is the nations major export, which is made in the various pubs and taverns down Fleet Street. Before sailing into the port, onlookers can see the image of a white skull on the large rock behind the city.

First Light after the Harrowing

Though the Black Mist fades and the souls it claimed will soon forget their past, the threat of the fell tide will not be forgotten. Worse than all previous years, those who lived are left to wonder where it will return, and whether anyone will survive when it does.

Bilgewater 1

Black Mist Map

I - 1 Year. The Battle of Knife Straits. An armada from Bilgewater, led by Miss FortuneSquareMiss Fortune and GangplankSquareCaptain Gangplank – sailing together under an uneasy truce – meets the Black Mist head on. Heavy casualties sustained. Fleet scattered.

II - 1 Year. The Drowned Anchor. One element of the Harrowing stalled. Reports of a NautilusSquarelarge figure encased in a rusted diving suit seen in the heart of the fighting.

III - 1 Year. The Reaping of Smuggler’s Cove. No survivors.

IV - 3 Years. The Battle of the Serpent. A Blue Flame leviathan is goaded to the surface by a serpent caller to face the Harrowing. The Black Mist is dispersed before it reaches Bilgewater, but the giant from the depths is slain in the process.

V - 9 Years. The Shadow Falls. The Black Mist overcomes the defenses of the Southern Beacon, and it sinks beneath the sea. Its guiding light is now lost to Bilgewater.

VI - 4 Years. The Wild Hunt. HecarimSquareHecarim marshals a spectral host and lays waste to the port of Grey Harbor. Despite valiant resistance from the fishing fleet anchored there, all souls are lost. Grey Harbor remains uninhabited to this day.

VII - 21 Years. The Death of the Conqueror. The mighty galleon Conqueror is lost to the depths, along with 30 battleships. Some have claimed to have seen the Conqueror riding the Black Mist in subsequent Harrowings.

VIII - 32 years. The Battle of Port Mourn. The revenant MordekaiserSquareMordekaiser leads the Harrowing on a night of slaughter, and Port Mourn falls to darkness. It is said that specters now haunt its empty streets.

IX - 17 years. The Crimson Armada. A Noxian war fleet is caught in the Black Mist. Over 30 vessels lost. No survivors.

X - 37 years. The Maelstrom. The frigate Light-Bringer’s Bane is swallowed by the sea while sailing to outrun the Black Mist.

XI - 49 years. The Shroud. Up until half a century ago, this was the furthest extent of any known Harrowing.

XII - 33 years. The Flower of Ionia. An Ionian fleet of unknown size lost to the Harrowing.

As evinced here, the Harrowing has grown bolder and stronger over the last half century. I fear for the future should this trend continue.

Direct Lore[]

  • Legends of Bilgewater
  • Shadow and Fortune
  • Burning Tides

Listen as Lars spins a tale of four Bilgewater legends - Nautilus, Fizz, Tahm Kench, and Pyke - and discovers the terrifying fact woven into his fiction.

The Butcher Blades had hung the Jackdaw from a rusted marlinspike through his jawbone and left him for the quayside scavengers. This was the seventeenth murdered ganger the hooded man had seen tonight.

The Rat Town slaughter docks; they smell as bad as their name suggests.

Related Lore[]

  • GangplankSquareGangplank: Blood in the Water
    He was cutting throats and sinking Noxian war galleys when you were still pissing your britches, boy. You don't want to take him on.
  • GravesSquareGraves: One Last Shot
    We're here for your gold, not your heads, so don't nobody decide to be a hero.
  • Twisted FateSquareTwisted Fate: Double Down
    It's not gambling if you can't lose...
  • Miss FortuneSquareMiss Fortune: Down Among the Dead Men
    Fixing the mess.
  • IllaoiSquareIllaoi & GangplankSquareGangplank: The Burden
    Wisdom is frequently a kick in the head.
  • Miss FortuneSquareMiss Fortune: Fortune Smiles
    Bilgewater. A haven for Runeterra’s most notorious monster hunters, mercenaries, and scoundrels. For decades, a ruthless pirate named Gangplank kept the city in check. Under his merciless rule, Bilgewater was an orderly place to make a dishonest living.But now Gangplank is dead. Murdered, by a crimson-haired bounty hunter seeking vengeance for her parents’ deaths. Bilgewater has descended into chaos. Only the woman who killed Gangplank can save it. Her name is Sarah. They call her Miss Fortune.
  • PykeSquarePyke: Then, Teeth
    Mazier is sprawled on the rotten planks, waves lapping at stone underneath. Her slowing heartbeat pumps blood into the seawater. She stares, unblinking, at the shanty-dwellings above, and the stars beyond.


Visions of Bilgewater[]

Visions of Bilgewater 2

Bilgewater Bay - Surrounded by treacherous straits and towering cliffs, Bilgewater Bay is as dangerous as those who call it home. Visitors are often seduced by seemingly limitless opportunity, and become permanent residents—realizing that the longer they stay, the more they can exploit others for power and wealth.

Visions of Bilgewater 1

Butcher's Bridge - Looming over the main harbor is Butcher’s Bridge, an ancient stone overpass built into the cliffs, connecting the bustling piers with the notorious slums beyond. Some still use it to access the Temple of Nagakabouros, but most now gather here to fight duels or exchange their illicit wares.

Visions of Bilgewater 4

A New Beginning - Lacking natural resources for construction, much of Bilgewater has been built up with whatever people can bring, find, or steal—be it repurposed masonry, or even the broken hulls of the ships they traveled in.

Visions of Bilgewater 3

Life on the Water - Bilgewater’s lowliest inhabitants dwell in a labyrinth of meandering canals and hidden inlets, with no separation between the homes they build and the sea where they ply their trade. Indeed, traversing perilous waters is not just an occupational hazard, but part of daily life.

Visions of Bilgewater 5

The Slaughter Docks - Sea monster attacks are a constant threat around Bilgewater, but over the years myriad lucrative industries have grown out of hunting and harvesting the massive creatures. Vessels haul them back to port, to be rendered down into meat, oils, hides, armored scales—even bones and teeth—for sale at the thriving dockside markets.

Visions of Bilgewater 6

Ancient Architecture - Various settlements within the greater city have been built upon the remains of a far older civilization. Long abandoned temples have been converted into homes and places of business, with scaffold walkways leading from one establishment to another.

Visions of Bilgewater 7

Carving Bays - From MacGregan’s Killhouse to the renowned outfits at Bloodharbor, slaughter docks operate day and night to turn death into profit. Only the most successful captains can ever hope to run their own dock, so most are forced to haggle for the best deal before their prize begins to rot in the water.

Visions of Bilgewater 8

High and Dry - There is a commonly accepted truth in Bilgewater: the higher you climb, the less likely you are to drown. Those with money in their pocket will frequent the uptown taverns, enjoying fine drinks and merry conversation—even though, in a day or two, they will be back down at the wharf, wrangling a crew for their next dismal voyage.


On the isle of Buhru, one of the isles of the Bilgewater island chain, battle isn't considered a test of strength but of will. These Isles are the location from which the Religion of Nagakabouros and its IllaoiSquarepriestess originate from.

Butcher's Bridge[]

The Butcher's Bridge is an ancient stone bridge leading to the temple entrance of Nagakabouros, it's been kept up haphazardly and primarily serves now as a connection between the slaughter docks and one of Bilgewater's slums.

Gangplank's Warehouse[]

Gangplank's Warehouse

Gangplank's warehouse is situated at the end of the pier, guarded on three sides by sharks and razorfish-infested waters and on the fourth by the vicious Jagged Hooks dock gang. His warehouse is full of loot and spoils from every corner of the world. In the aftermath of the destruction of the Dead Pool, Gangplank’s spoils-filled warehouses have been plundered, and those who followed the dread pirate have forfeited their allegiance.

Grey Harbor[]

The Grey Harbor was once an eastern port for Bilgewater. Many fishing vessels would dock here after their journey to the seas around Bilgewater. But 4 years ago, during the Harrowing, The Wild Hunt lead by HecarimSquareHecarim lays waste to the port. The location remains uninhabited to this day.

Port Mourn[]

Port Mourn was located at the eastern part of the southern island of Bilgewater. 32 years ago during The Battle of Port Mourn, the revenant MordekaiserSquareMordekaiser lead the Harrowing on a night of slaughter. The location remains uninhabited to this day and some say that specters haunt its empty streets.

Smuggler's Cove[]

Located at the north-eastern part of Bilgewater, its primary purpose was for stashing pirating goods. No inhabitants have been spotted near the location after the last Harrowing.

Slaughter Docks[]

In addition to the deadly currents, hidden reefs and the constant threat of piracy, massive sea monsters are a constant threat in the waters around Bilgewater. Fleets leave port at sunset every night to hunt these mighty beasts. If successful, they return to the Slaughter-Docks to render the once-great creatures down to meat, bones, and armored hides.

Slaughter Docks 1

Slaughter Docks are located in Rat Town, beneath Butcher's Bridge. The sea around the Slaughter-docks is often darkened by the blood of slain sea monsters. The chum draws sharks and other predators into the many harbors, stirring up a violent froth. Slaughter fleets leave port at sunset every night to hunt mighty sea monsters. As rivals represented by unique symbols and traditions, many of the fleets constantly fight among themselves for dominance. One of the oldest and fiercest dock gangs in Bilgewater, the Jagged Hooks swear undying allegiance to Gangplank. They take their name from the wickedly curved tools many of them use while hunting sea monsters.

Slaughter Docks 2

Southern Beacon[]

The Southern Beacon was an old structure used by ship captains to guide them away from rough shores. After the Harrowing battle that occurred at the location some 9 years ago, the Southern Beacon was destroyed.

Rat Town[]

Rat Town

West Bay Map

West Bay is the main entrance to the largest settlement of Bilgewater, Rat Town. Butcher's Bridge, which is located upstream and above the Slaughter Docks, acts as a gate to the inner parts of the city as well as the bridge to the Temple of The Mother Serpent, one of the largest and most important structures of Bilgewater's previous native inhabitants. Because of the cities' mixed cultural heritage, location boast a large variety of architectural designs. From inverted Freljordian logships against the carved cliff-faces to the structures and carvings of the indigenous population. Fleet Street has various pubs and taverns and boasts the nations finest Rum, such as The Brazen Hydra which patrons could be heard all the way to Diver’s Bluff. Freeman's Aerie, The Syren, and The Dead Pool are also notable locations of the city.

The Dead Pool[]

The Dead Pool

Anchored near the Slaughter Docks, the enormous, three-masted behemoth, Gangplank’s flagship was one of the most infamous vessels in Runeterra. Inherited after his ruthless patricide, the Dead Pool was as much a reminder of the dread captain’s power as it was the physical manifestation of it. When Gangplank’s ship returned to port, laden with loot from his latest piracy or high-seas victory, it first berthed near the Slaughter-docks to deposit new riches in the captain’s warehouse. It has since been destroyed had his remains are scattered all across the Slaughter Dock and White Wharf sea bed.

White Wharf[]

Located near the Slaughter Docks Bilgewater’s White Wharf had earned its name thanks to the layer of bird waste covering it from end to end, which was only to be expected at a resting place for the dead. In Bilgewater, the dead are not buried, but given back to the ocean. A grave of the sunken dead hung suspended in the cold depths, marked by hundreds of bobbing grave-buoys. Some of the graves of poor residence have merely name posts, tied en masse to old anchors beneath waterlogged barrels. The wealthy residence have elaborate tombs with lavish bobbing tombstones with carvings resembling rearing krakens or buxom sea wenches, interred within expensive submerged caskets below. The Boatman ferries the bodies of the departed to the various graveyards scattered about the straits surrounding the city.



The Land and coastal areas house an large assortment of astounding creatures, such as: RazorfinSquareWharf Rats and Scuttler CrabsSquareScuttler Crabs.

There are also more mundane creatures inhabiting the coastlines and docks such as seagulls.

Various monsters from across Runeterra are shipped through the black market, trained extensively and sold as living commodities for entertainment, industrial use or simply as loyal underlings. The illegal trade is especially prevalent in a pirate haven such as Bilgewater. As is the principle in the black market trade, those who pay more Krakens undoubtedly get better monsters than those who pay less. Examples of these mercenary beasts are: IronbackSquareIronback, OcklepodSquareOcklepods, PlundercrabSquarePlundercrabs, and RazorfinSquareRazorfins.


IronbackSquareIronbacks are squat bipedal creatures that resemble turtles or tortoises. Though not as tall as a human adult, they are far wider and more heavily-built. When domesticated and used for combat, they act as siege engines. Their stout strength can tear down whole structures with ease; and when outfitted with armor to complement their thick hide, they can endure the most grievous assaults.

Wharf Rat[]

Wharf Rat

RazorfinSquareWharf Rats a terrifying blend of shark and rat commonly found on the docks of Bilgewater. These creatures are larger than dogs and are known to prey upon drunks and lone fishermen on moonless nights. They often travel in packs, and are easily capable of biting a man's leg off.


In Bilgewater one can come across many astounding creatures brought from the dark and mysterious Guardian's Sea, such as: Dragon-Sharks, Sea Serpents, Giant Squid, Four-eyed Shark Creature and Kraken.

There are also more mundane creatures inhabiting the sea, coastlines and docks such as: octopi, hammerhead sharks, devilfish, clams and fish.


Dragon-sharks are a large deep-ocean dwelling species of sharks native to the seas around Bilgewater. A hide of one of the sharks is used for creating a shop stand on the Butcher's Bridge in Bilgewater. One of the famous Dragon-Sharks is Chomper, who terrorized the shorelines of Bilgewater before being defeated by Fizz and becoming his companion.

Four-eyed Hammerhead Sharks[]

Four-eyed Hammerhead Sharks are an ocean dwelling species of sharks native to the seas around Bilgewater. Their brown hide is rough, almost scale like. Their head is in the shape of a hammer with two pairs of eyes and also have five fins for movement.

Giant Squid[]

Giant Squids are a deep-ocean dwelling species of squid native to the seas around Bilgewater. They tend to be the size of a house, although some are said to grow even bigger, and can sometimes attack smaller ships. They are also usually hunted for either food or sport, the latter of which is just as dangerous as the former.


Krakens are large serpent/octopi-like species that have been sighted in the seas around Bilgewater. They possess a set of tentacles and five eyes, two pairs and one large one at the center of the forehead. The mythos behind this species is so well known on the Serpent Isles and that many structures in honor of this species were constructed by the original denizens of Bilgewater. Their image has been used for the currency of Bilgewater, know as Golden Krakens.


OcklepodSquareOcklepods are crustacean-like creatures that magically hover above the ground unassisted. They either inhabit or have been outfitted with a metallic helm with submarine periscope jutting above, the creature's eyes peek through the helm and periscope. This creature is mostly used for intelligence-gathering and support roles as they are capable of magically shielding nearby allies as well as revealing distances. This is especially infuriating in attrition wars as the creature's telepathic sight could easily reveal an ambush and its shielding capability is able to see troops through the thickest of fires.


PlundercrabSquarePlundercrabs are large crustaceans that wear cannon-mounted parapets as their shell. It is unknown whether they inhabit the said weaponry naturally, or are purposely outfitted. Used as living artillery pieces, they lay down cannon fire from afar. They seem very intelligent for an animal, as they can trained to pick out high-priority targets to focus fire upon.

Scuttler Crab[]

Scuttler CrabsSquareScuttler Crabs or Rift Scuttlers live in the fresh waters of Valoran and can be found near the docks of Bilgewater and in Summoner's Rift. They are small green-shelled crustaceans with 3 pairs of legs and one pair of front claws. They sometimes bury themselves into the muck of the river to avoid predators and are known to either avoid or flee from dangers. To confer peaceful resolution (hence the elusive pacifist nickname) to the force that subdues it, it will grant them a boon: a persistent field around it that grants vision and magical speed to the aggressor and its allies. If corrupted by The Void, a Rift Scuttler turns into a Rift HeraldSquareRift Herald.

Sea Serpent[]

Sea Serpents are a large species of ocean dwelling serpents native to the seas around Bilgewater. They presents on the sea is so well known be the denizens of Bilgewater that their nations crest and currency is a Sea Serpent. They can also be summoned by serpent callers. One account from the Harrowing records the might of these creatures, having halted the progress of the Black Mist before it reached Bilgewater, though the beast was slain in the process.


Culture of Bilgewater[]

Culture of Bilgewater 1

The Serpent Isles - While much of Valoran knows the archipelago as the Blue Flame Isles, to the indigenous people of Buhru they have only ever been the Serpent Isles. Buhru’s ancient culture is highly respected, reflected, and sometimes imitated in the daily life of Bilgewater—including traditional medicine, and monster hunting techniques.

Culture of Bilgewater 2

Nagakabouros - Central to Buhru culture is Nagakabouros—god of life, growth, and perpetual motion. Also known as the Mother Serpent, the Great Kraken, or the Bearded Lady, she is commonly depicted as an enormous, monstrous head with many spiraling tentacles.

Culture of Bilgewater 3

Harpooners - One of the most important roles on a hunting crew is the harpooner, who hooks and slays the beasts, and entire crews will be built around a veteran who can teach others a thing or two along the way. Many harpooners are marksmen, or particularly fearless freedivers... but few survive long enough for their reputation to become widely known.

Culture of Bilgewater 4

Tools of the Trade - The most skilled monster hunters know the old ways are often the best. Following the traditions of the Serpent Isles, these cunning traps and vicious hooks are each crafted for luring and slaying specific creatures, and such implements will be passed down from generation to generation.


The indigenous culture of the Blue Flame Isles is highly respected by the inhabitants of Bilgewater and aspects of it have been incorporated into daily life. The native peoples' knowledge of the ocean and its denizens is second to none; no ship is able to navigate the perilous straits around Bilgewater without their guidance. Those of indigenous descent often hold key roles in Bilgewater's fleets and gangs and are regarded with almost mystical reverence, as are the rare few embraced by their community.

Indigenous Culture

Indigenous Culture

Bilgewater is a relatively lawless nation, particularly in the pirate-run slums. The majority of the island's denizens carry a variety of weapons, which range from cutlasses to pistols, in order to protect themselves at all times. Traditionally, the Bilgewater warriors coat their weapons with the remains of their drinks the night before a battle or raid. This has the effect of increasing the pain of wounds caused and often spreads diseases such as gangrene, inhibiting their enemies' ability to fight back. Many of their larger ironclad ships are also outfitted with multiple cannons that can strike targets over long distances.

The native inhabitants of Bilgewater are rugged seafaring folk and many, naturally, are also pirates. While some vessels are kept protected within safe waters, their nation has little jurisdiction over what occurs in the open seas. Sailors intrepid enough to venture out there are free to decide their own fate and fortune. Many Bilgewater pirates also sail to other nations and are known for their raids on settlements.

Massive sea monsters are a constant threat in the waters around Bilgewater and over the centuries, a trade industry has grown out of hunting and harvesting them. The nature of the beasts attraction to the islands is unknown, but their impact cannot be denied. Seeing behemoths rise from the deep is just part of a normal day for grizzled veterans of the criminal haven. As a result, sea monster iconography can be seen all over the nations structures and other everyday objects as part and parcel of Bilgewater’s unique appearance.

Bilgewater lacks natural building resources, forcing its inhabitants to scrounge whatever they can. It's common to see remnants of ships from as far as Ionia, Demacia, and the Freljord incorporated into the architecture.

Whether by magic or ancient architectural design, Serpent Callers use hollowed out pillars to mimic the screams and screeches of the denizens of the deep, summoning them to the surface or chasing them away. One such serpent was called upon during one of the recent Harrowings to aid Bilgewater against the undying hoards onslaught.


There are several ancient dialects spoken in Bilgewater and islands around it, One of which is spoken by priests of Nagakabouros from the Isle of Buhru, such asIllaoiSquareIllaoi.

(The ancient Buhru Illaoi uses is a mix between real life Maori, Polynesian, and Mayan languages)

Buhru Language[]

Words are built on combinations of real-life Aztec and Ancient Greek, with additional elements of Hawaiian, Aboriginal Australian, and Latin.

Rythmn and order

Vowel sound are often built into consonants. Examples. Oro, aco, ata, umo etc.. for Compound vowels this is also true. So Oalo, Altua, Uocae.

Most words end in a vowel (if feminine) or a compound consonant (if masculine). i.e. tl, chtl, ect… C is an exception to this and may end a masculine word.

Full words are usually (not always) three syllabi. Iccia. " Eye’Sse’a."

Two syllables words do not usually exist alone and have a, three letter word adjacent to them or merged into them. i.e Kaiya-oto. Kai’Yah Oto. Two letter words are adverbs or adjectives. (like Japanese use of –san)

The language is broken into three syllable words, two syllable words, and five syllable words. Typically a single thought takes about twelve syllables. “Kaiya-oto iccia, ohomoc-ata uotaca.”


Never use an apostrophe ‘. For longer words use a – if needed.


  • “Ao” does not exist. Use “Oa” instead.
  • “Ea” does not exist. Use “Ae” or “æ” instead.
  • “E” letter does not exist. Replace with “AE” or ii (Sean = Siian).
  • “X” sound does not exist.
  • “Er” sound does not exist.
  • “Ir” sound does not exist.
  • “Ou” do not exist. Replace with “ua” or “u” (out = uat).
  • OO does not exist, except at the end of feminine words. (boot = Buot / ) (Llatoo ).
  • “AI” sound very rare. Do not use this sound most times.
  • “AS” does not exist and is not used.
  • “Y” is only used at the beginning of a word for the “eye” I sound.


  • “K” is replaced by C.
  • “M” is only used next to vowels and is never the beginning or end of a word.
  • “S” is replaced by C. The S sound does not exist.
  • “T” is never alone. Add another consonant. Tl, Tl, Tc, t…
  • “Th” sound does not exist. Do not use this sound.
  • “H” is never used alone. (hr , htl etc..).
  • “U” can be used as vowel or as consonant for V.
  • “L” is never alone (The “L” sound is always long. IF using L Add another consonant.
  • Ll, tl, lw, lc, ul, etc..).
  • “Sh” does not exist and is not used.
  • “V” letter does not exist. For sound replace with U.
  • Be aware and avoid direct use of of Tl, Tc, cll, Chtl, Ythl, etc…


  • Abulaccanii.
  • Althabo.
  • Altoc - Awaken to reason.
  • Altoc, kaiha sa-iu. Altoc kaiha sa-iu. Altoc kaiha sa-iu.
  • Aocarzintli.
  • Arzintli - Sacret water.
  • Arzintli Qaoc.
  • Ata.
  • Atha.
  • Bauhro Laidahcii.
  • Buhru-latachi.
  • Bradhuc Ladcii.
  • Bru-ahcci Lahdi.
  • Buahdacci.
  • Bru-ahcci Nagakabouros-cho, Naga-cho.
  • Buara Dalii.
  • Buzulduac.
  • Burahdatc Lacbi.
  • Buhru-naliata-shok.
  • Caolz.
  • Chodatc.
  • Coatl.
  • Colotl.
  • Ctamacihtol.
  • Cuatl.
  • Curi.
  • Epoi Buhru, daliet che.
  • Ghiara.
  • Guhra Ctaoc (Gow’ rah Shaos).
  • Guyra.
  • Ictae.
  • Ibuhr.
  • Illaoi.
  • Illuka.
  • Illuora.
  • Ioelu.
  • Ioilu.
  • Iwtia.
  • Kabouros.
  • Kaiha.
  • Kaiya.
  • Lcaoc.
  • Naga-cho.
  • Nagakabouros, oqul, oqul.
  • Nlaepin.
  • Nura.
  • Oalhauchtli.
  • Octala.
  • Octulu.
  • Ohlaoc.
  • Omu.
  • Opochtli.
  • Oqul.
  • Oto.
  • Otomoc.
  • Owaimoc.
  • Ozoac.
  • Ozomoc.
  • Poao.
  • Qo-a xoas.
  • Qo-a Yegu.
  • Qo-uto.
  • Qaoc Cuatl.
  • Qalotl.
  • Qoachitli.
  • Qoasotl.
  • Qtocaotl.
  • Rava Ocllo.
  • Rava Ucllo.
  • Sa’eu.
  • Sa’eu yama oka-shai.
  • Sa-iu.
  • Sheeyutu Nagakabouros. Nagakabouros chee chok.
  • Taepl.
  • Tjorrah.
  • Tlaco.
  • Tlatha.
  • Tua.
  • Tua chok yaotl. Tua chok, yaotl, omu.
  • Tuamaz.
  • Ubrucii.
  • Ucanu.
  • Ulioc.
  • Upali.
  • Uqioc.
  • Uratu-chok uracheon-mata, rubura ata tufon.
  • Uwan Yaowc (Oo’wan Shaos)
  • Uwan Yaowc kaiha. Uwan Yaowc kaiha.
  • Vae-a.
  • Vaia.
  • Xaiv.
  • Xaoc Guhra.
  • Xoas.
  • Xoco.
  • Yaotl - Enemy.
  • Yaotli - Enemies.
  • Yllacta.
  • Yulutl.
  • Yuotldii Lahyi.
  • Yuralha.
  • Yurochtl.
  • Yutu.
  • Zocua.



While the nation takes and uses all kinds of currency from all corners of Runeterra, it also mints its own currency. Two known currencies in Bilgewater are called Krakens Golden Krakens and Silver Serpents Silver Serpents. The former coinage is favored by mercenaries.


Gun'Dolas are raised platforms that transport goods and rendered-down sea monster meat, bone, and fat across the islands on rust worn rails. Some of the Gondolas have cannons installed, inspiring the locals' clever name.


Hand-cannons are relatively cheap repurposed weapons used in Bilgewater and are popular among the myriad dock gangs, common brigands, and young corsairs alike.


The relative peace that has kept over Valoran has led to an increase in trade and the desire for worldly imports. The demand for Bilgewater's famous rums is especially high. Captain Morgan Rackham gives a few samples: Rapture Rum

If you've got a bit of jink to spare and don't mind paying for a bit of celebrity, you can head on over to Fortune's Favor on Fleet Street for a bit of Miss Fortune's private stock. Rapture is clear as diamonds, with a pleasantly clean aroma of cut cane. To shake things up, Miss Fortune adds a hint of pepper and hot cinnamon to keep you warm on deck during stormy days at sea. To be enjoyed with your favorite tropical fruit, Miss Fortune's Rapture Rum is every bit as much the exotic beauty that she is!

Gangplank's Black Pearl Rum

Let me ask you a question, sailor. Have you ever chewed rum? No?! Well then you've probably never run afoul of Gangplank and his fabled Black Pearl. Aged in charred oak casks and infused with some of the richest spices that Valoran has to offer, this rum comes out blacker than pitch and about as thick. Gangplank's Black Pearl is a draught for the true rum enthusiast, only. The rest of you blokes are just going to wind up feeling barmy and running for the deck rails. So be careful! I've seen a bit of the black stuff lay out even the roughest blighter with nary a hint of warning.

Myron's Dark Rum

This rum is the trademark drink of Myron's Murderhole, one of the most famous and historic bars in all of Bilgewater. Dark in color with the aroma of woody molasses, this infamous spirit is a veritable staple of Bilgewater sailors on the high seas. Richer than its lighter relatives, this dark beauty finishes with an uncanny sweetness that's just perfect for taking the edge off. Enjoy with hot water, or even straight from the bottle. Either way, Myron's Dark will keep you warmer than a pea coat on a blustery day.

Mount Atin Eclipse Rum

This rum is characteristically served at Plankwalkin' Pete's, a newfangled bar run dockside by a barmy lad with a peg leg. Light amber in color, Mount Atin will assail your senses with the aroma of sweet grass, molasses, nutmeg, and just a hint of citrus. A bit dry on its own, your typical dose comes served with tonic and a lime, so after a glass or two you're well on your way to warding off both scurvy and malaria.

Sea Shanties & Ironsides[]

Sail on Ironside, sail on
We row hidden by the sea’s might
Sail on Ironside, sail on
Let blood red sails not pass this way
Sail on Ironside, sail on
Let us see the first light of day
Sail on Ironside, sail on
If it arrives over the swell
Sail on Ironside, sail on
If it arrives first ring the knell

Sail on Ironside, sail on...

Lines from a rogue slaughter fleet rowing dirge
The Bearded Lady

The Bearded Lady



Locals pay respect to an ancient sea monster/deity depicted as a monstrous creature said to dwell in the abyssal darkness below the islands, which some call the Bearded Lady. When arriving in and leaving port, sailors throw offerings overboard in the hope of quelling her wrath.

Also known as Nagakabouros and the Mother Serpent by the indigenous people of the islands around the city, the patron deity of Bilgewater is the goddess of motion, sky, and the sea. Myths about her date back centuries, and it's a reckless sailor who fails to drop the traditional tithe into the Serpent's Well upon docking his ship in Bilgewater. IllaoiSquareIllaoi, the Goddess' priestess, tests weaklings and the dead to see if they pass Nagakabouros's judgement. The Goddess directly intervened in one of the recent Harrowings to stop the Black Mist from destroying the entire city of Bilgewater.

Tahm Kench[]

Ol' Tahm KenchSquareTahm Kench's likeness marks dens of avarice throughout Bilgewater. A symbol of greed and uninhibited freedom, the River King's face appears as lewd graffiti almost as often as it is a guidepost for those looking to satiate tastes of an indelicate sort.


Bilgewater 2

Old Bilgewater Concept Art (Port Mourn)

Bilgewater 3

Bilgewater: The Reckoning cover art

Bilgewater 5

Waterfall Housing Concept Art

Bilgewater 6

Slaughter Shed Concept Art

Bilgewater 7

Serpent Caller Concept Art

Bilgewater 8

Graveyard Concept Art

Bilgewater 9

The Boatman Concept Art

Bilgewater 10

The Shantys Concept Art

Bilgewater 11

Weapons Concept Art

Bilgewater 12

The Mother Serpent Concept Art

Bilgewater Detailed Crest

Bilgewater Detailed Crest


  • The name "Bilgewater" is a combination of two English words: bilge and water.
    • A bilge is the lowest compartment on a ship, below the waterline. The bilge may contain water, oil, detergents and various other liquids and materials. The bilge's primary use is to keep unwanted liquids and materials below the decks during sea travel.
      • Bilge is a modification of the Middle French word bougette. The earliest known use of the term is in the fifteenth century.
  • Bilgewater was inspired by a real historical pirate nation: Nassau. During the Golden Age of Piracy, the strongest pirate factions from the Caribbean Islands had made a union with one another, which eventually formed the pirate nation.
  • Bilgewater's eastern parts have been completely ripped apart by the Harrowing. Its main western part is due for a future attack.
  • Bilgewater's theme possibly took inspiration from Black Sails' opening title sequence.

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