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Atakhan, Bringer of Ruin is a powerful neutral monster in Summoner's Rift that can spawn at either end of the river and in one of two forms, Voracious or Ruinous. His form and spawn location are determined by the sum of champion combat that has taken place around the map by 14 minutes.


  • Insatiable Destruction: Atakhan demands combat around the map in order to develop his plan for destruction. Each kill and point of damage originating from both teams' champions against other champions on either half of the map—top or bottom—increases an internal score. Kills and damage increase this score by a different amount. A higher score will cause the destructive, Ruinous form to arrive; a lower score will cause the craving, Voracious form to arrive.
  • Summoning Arena: At 14:00, the half of the map where a higher score has been accumulated determines Atakhan's spawn location. His camp will be marked by two slim walls of rose thorns in a circular arrangement and facing each other along the river, and the patch of brush on the river entrance, within the walls of his camp, is removed.
  • War Ender: As a premonitory symbol of his ruin, Atakhan causes Blood RoseSquareBlood Rose plants to spawn around the map. After his death, no new Blood Roses will spawn.


  • Debuff Immunity: Atakhan is immune to all terrain displacements and immune to all crowd control except stasis. Additionally, Atakhan's stats cannot be modified by any external means.
  • Bringer of Ruin: Atakhan has access to a basic attack and a bolt ability that are identical between his two forms, as well as a special ability that differs for each form. All of these apply the Frail and Unworthy debuff to targets hit. Frail and Unworthy is a stacking debuff that stacks up to 50 times and lasts for 4 seconds, and refreshes with each attack and ability hit. Each stack reduces targets' armor and magic resistance by 1, for a maximum total of 50 resistances reduction.

Attacks & Abilities[]

  • Basic Attack: Atakhan slashes the nearest target, dealing 100% AD physical damage and applying 1 stack of Frail and Unworthy.
  • Bolt Ability: On the second attack after initiating combat or finishing his form ability, Atakhan will launch 4 bolts of dark energy toward the direction of the nearest target every 0.5 seconds over 2 seconds. Each bolt applies 5 stacks of Frail and Unworthy.
  • Ruinous Form Ability: In his Ruinous form, Atakhan will launch 8 constricting rings over 2.5 seconds, dealing magic damage for each hit, increasing with the target's current health.
  • Voracious Form Ability: In his Voracious form, Atakhan will infuse a 600-radius area around his center with dark magic, dealing magic damage to enemies within every 0.5 seconds and healing himself based on the damage dealt.
  • Each hit of his Form ability applies 1 stack of Frail and Unworthy. While casting a Form ability, he cannot cast attacks.


Depending on which version of Atakhan is slain, different buffs are granted to the ally team:

  • Slaying Ruinous Atakhan grants the permanent Crown of Carnage Crown of Carnage buff and 6 stacks of the Bloody Petals Bloody Petals buff. He will also grow 6 Blood RoseSquareBlood Roses and 6 Large Blood RoseSquareLarge Blood Roses around his camp shortly after being slain.
  • Slaying Voracious Atakhan grants the temporary False Life False Life buff, as well as a permanent gold bonus buff toward champion takedowns.


Ruinous AtakhanSquare

Ruinous Atakhan

Voracious AtakhanSquare

Voracious Atakhan

Patch History[]

Patch 25.S1.1

  •  Added 
