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Brunch joins Napkins in Disguise
October 28th, 2013 - LCS prospects Napkins in Disguise have signed former compLexity Gaming player Brunch as their new AD Carry. This change comes after their previous AD Carry, Flappy BearFish, benched himself from the team.
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Brunch - NiD's new AD

Upon Brunch joining the team, NiD’s manager AngelVigil said: "We are proud to announce that, as of today, we are picking up Brunch to replace FlappyBearFish as ADC. After FlappyBearfish benched himself, we felt kind of down losing such a high caliber AD Carry. We were lucky to have found such a seamless replacement on such short notice. Brunch is an out of this world player that we think will add a whole new dimension to our stapled aggressive play style."

Brunch’s support, Gleebglarbu, added: “Brunch is a great addition to our roster and our chances of qualifying for LCS are increasing by the second!” Brunch had a few words to say as well: “I'm stoked to have the opportunity to play with such an esteemed group of individuals and look forward to representing NiD to the highest degree.”

NiD’s new roster will premiere tonight in the North American Challenger League versus Curse Academy at 10:00 PM EST. They will also play this weekend in the Season 4 Promotion Tournament Qualifier in hopes to secure a chance to qualify for Season 4 of the LCS.

You can follow Napkins in Disguise on twitter.

Written by William Turton - @williamturton
Edited by Jordan Spence - @Sanctifiedlol

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