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Last updated before this (date in UTC): 2023-09-19
Is this version different from previous? No
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League Team Official Summoner Name Legal First Name Legal Family Name End Date (Month, Day, Year) Team Contact Information
LATAM (LAN/LAS) AK Adniel Agustin Di Lalla 11/18/2023 AK paola@allknightsla.com
AK SEPHIX Francisco Fernandez 11/18/2023
AK SKEETO Javier Nicoletti 11/18/2023
AK Unforgiven Maximiliano Utrero 11/17/2023
AK NOBODY Nicolas Ale 11/17/2023
AK Horus Facundo Utrero 11/17/2023
AK GASTRUKS Gastón Núñez 11/17/2023
AK STEELLAR Francisco Taba 11/17/2023
LATAM (LAN/LAS) AZE Skin Jesus Saldaña 11/20/2023 AZE juliocanto@aze.gg
AZE Autoboost Orlando Coronado 11/20/2023
AZE Acce Emmanuel Juarez 11/20/2024
AZE Ellim Ellim Choi 11/20/2023
AZE Aloned Tomás Díaz 11/20/2023
AZE Cheoni Seungmo Jo 11/20/2023
AZE Straight Roberto Guallichico 11/20/2023
AZE IgnaVilu Nicolás Viluron 11/20/2025
LATAM (LAN/LAS) EST Yang GwangPyo Yang 11/21/2023 EST contacto@estral.gg
EST Snok Roberto Coello 11/21/2023
EST Zothve Cristobal Arrospide 4/18/2025
EST Josedeodo Brandon Villegas 11/21/2024
EST Leza Ruben Jara 4/20/2024
EST Hans SamD Jaehoon Lee 11/21/2023
EST Mia SangIn Choi 11/21/2023
EST Bola Hector Jaramillo 11/21/2023
EST Jonte HyeonTae Cho 11/21/2023
LATAM (LAN/LAS) EST Gaeng GwangYu Yang 11/21/2023 INF Paul@infinityesportslatam.com 
INF Dye Gerson Castaño 11/23/2023
INF Falco Jesus Rubio 11/21/2023
INF ZOEN Enzo Ganino 11/22/2025
INF Solid Diego Vallejo 11/21/2023
INF Keine Juncheol Kim 11/22/2023
INF 5Kid Jeonghyeon Park 11/22/2023
INF ACKERMAN Gabriel Aparicio 11/16/2023
INF PapiSosa Ruben Sosa 11/16/2023
LATAM (LAN/LAS) ISG Kouke Jorge Bravo 11/15/2023 ISG blasco@isurus.gg
ISG Pan Luis Bonilla 11/17/2023
ISG Seize Chanhee Kim 5/28/2023
ISG Kaze Lucas Fe 11/17/2025
ISG Gavotto Omar Gavotto 11/21/2023
ISG Jelly Hokyeong Son 11/17/2023
ISG KinGi Tomas Bordon 11/17/2024
ISG qShiroo Andre Ricoy 11/15/2023
R7 Khynm Cristian Alonso 11/17/2023
LATAM (LAN/LAS) R7 Kun Ohsung Kweon 11/17/2023 R7 Gibran gibran@r7-esport.com
R7 Bong Bowoong Cho 11/17/2023
R7 Oddie Sebastian Niño 11/17/2023
R7 Mireu Jobeen Jeong 11/17/2023
R7 Ceo Mauro Tevez 11/17/2023
R7 Lyonz Pedro Peralta 11/17/2023
R7 Pointless Tobias Riscica 11/17/2023
R7 Daiky David Vasco 11/17/2023
LEV Rahab Ramiro Nicolas 8/26/2023
LATAM (LAN/LAS) LEV Pancake Manuel Scala 8/26/2023 LEV valentin@leviatan.gg
LEV Kiefer Nicolas Rivero 8/26/2023
LEV Nothing Brandon Merlo 8/26/2023
LEV Shmebu Agustin Valetti 8/26/2023
LEV Kraan Christopher Kraan 8/26/2023
6K Yeti Rodrigo Del Castillo 12/13/2023
6K ukFalleN Carlos Calderón 12/5/2023
LATAM (LAN/LAS) 6K Meaning Jimin An 12/1/2023 6K contacto@sixkarma.mx
6K OnFleek Janggyeom Kim 12/1/2023
6K cody Cristian Quispe 12/5/2023
6K SNAKER Brian Distefano 12/5/2023
6K Shu Hari Diego Placencia 12/5/2023
6K Hika Hika Bautista 12/23/2023
6K WARANGELUS Fabian Llanos 10/14/2023