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Tournament Results
Minimum place

ANimaS Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2016-04-305 ECS 2016 Spring
4-3-7Blanklogo stdRR
DreamCatcherlogo stdDCC Yuwan,  Willy,  biven,  Aching,  Lilaoshi,  aNimaS,  chacha
2015-01-174 HKESC Winter Playoffs
0 : 2DomoSoCutelogo stdDSC
Team Rushlogo stdRush heysoooobig,  Aw3izTW,  wulalaTW,  aNimaS,  卡在樹上的代旻
2013-12-284 Yam LCC 2013 Winter
1 : 2Soochow Universitylogo stdSCU
Lee-Ming Institute of Technologylogo stdLMIT aNimaS
2013-08-299 - 12 Season 3 Taiwan Regional Finals
0-0-5Blanklogo stdRR
Team Rushlogo stdRush HeySoBig,  Peace,  Bobo,  aNimaS,  閃邊讓我來