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NESO 2015
National Electronic Sports Open logo
Tournament Information
FormatGroups - Playoffs
Location & Dates
Event TypeOffline
Start Date2015-11-05
End Date2015-11-08
ScheduleSpoiler-Free Schedule
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2015 National Electronic Sports Open is the offline tournament based on China. Teams must represent their region to play. In this season, 34 LOL Teams from 20 different regions will join.


  • Round Robin Group Stage are best of one
  • Top team from each group advance to the Quarterfinals.
  • Playoffs are best of three

Prize Pool[]

¥ 140,000 Chinese Yuan Renminbi are spread among the teams as seen below:

PlacePrizePrize (%)Team
PlacementIcon1 1¥80,000$12,000€11,20057.14%Royal Never Give Uplogo stdRNG
PlacementIcon2 2¥40,000$6,000€5,60028.57%Snake Esportslogo stdSnake Esports
PlacementIcon3 3¥20,000$3,000€2,80014.29%Energy Pacemaker.Alllogo stdEnergy Pacemaker.All
4Newbeelogo stdNewbee
Show Additional Placements
5-8POP187 Clublogo stdPOP187 Club
Young Glorylogo stdYoung Glory
Energy Pacemaker.Eternallogo stdEP.Eternal
EDward Gaminglogo stdEDward Gaming
9-26Invictus Gaminglogo stdInvictus Gaming
Team WE Futurelogo stdTeam WE Future
Energy Pacemaker.Futurelogo stdEP.Future
Hyper Youth Gaminglogo stdHyper Youth Gaming
Logo stdTeam HERO
Logo stdSNAIL
Oh My Dreamlogo stdOh My Dream
Team WElogo stdTeam WE
ZeuS Gaminglogo stdZeuS Gaming
Logo stdFate Clan
Urumqi AGlogo stdUrumqi AG
Logo stdGP
The Guardlogo stdThe Guard
LGD Gaminglogo stdLGD Gaming
Team WE Dreamslogo stdTeam WE Dreams
Logo stdVP Games
Logo stdNJ
Logo stdTaoyuan Ty
WangShen WangKalogo stdWangShen WangKa
Beyond Clublogo stdBeyond Club
Logo stdSun FenDuDu
Big Jaws Gaminglogo stdBig Jaws Gaming
Logo stdDaTouCai
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Converted prizes calculated with values provided by http://www.xe.com on November 8, 2015, as follows:

  • ¥ 1 Chinese Yuan Renminbi = $ 0.15 US Dollars
  • ¥ 1 Chinese Yuan Renminbi = € 0.14 Euros


Shanghai Expo Stadium

The Venues of NESO 2015: Expo Stadium, Shanghai


Region Team
Jilin Logo stdTeam HERO
Inner Mongolia Royal Never Give Uplogo stdRoyal Never Give Up
VP Gamelogo stdVP Game
Xinjiang Urumqi AGlogo stdUrumqi AG
The Guardlogo stdThe Guard
Hebei Logo stdTaoyuan Ty
Oh My Dreamlogo stdOh My Dream
Qingdao Invictus Gaminglogo stdInvictus Gaming
Young Glorylogo stdYoung Glory
Shanxi Sacrosanct Yataghan Gaminglogo stdSacrosanct Yataghan Gaming
Hyper Youth Gaminglogo stdHyper Youth Gaming
Shaanxi Big Jaws Gaminglogo stdBig Jaws Gaming
Region Team
Qinghai Logo stdSNAIL
Team WE Dreamslogo stdTeam WE Dreams
Henan Beyond Clublogo stdBeyond Club
Energy Pacemaker.Alllogo stdEnergy Pacemaker.All
Jiangsu Logo stdFate Clan
Team WE Futurelogo stdTeam WE Future
Sichuan Logo stdSun FenDuDu
Snake Esportslogo stdSnake Esports
Chongqing Logo stdDaTouCai
Energy Pacemaker.Eternallogo stdEP.Eternal
Anhui Logo stdNJ
Unlimited Potentiallogo stdUnlimited Potential
Region Team
Shanghai Team WElogo stdTeam WE
Guizhou Logo stdGP
Hunan POP187 Clublogo stdPOP187 Club
Newbeelogo stdNewbee
Jiangxi Energy Pacemaker.Futurelogo stdEP.Future
Zhejiang LION Gaminglogo stdLION Gaming
LGD Gaminglogo stdLGD Gaming
Shenzhen ZeuS Gaminglogo stdZeuS Gaming
Hainan WangShen WangKalogo stdWangShen WangKa
EDward Gaminglogo stdEDward Gaming
Show RostersHide Rosters


Group Stage[]

Group A
1. POP187 Clublogo stdPOP187 Club 3-1
2. Invictus Gaminglogo stdInvictus Gaming 3-1
3. Team WElogo stdTeam WE 2-2
4. VP Gamelogo stdVP Game 1-3
5. Sacrosanct Yataghan Gaminglogo stdSacrosanct Yataghan Gaming 1-3
Group A Matches
iGInvictus Gaminglogo std 1 0 Team WElogo stdWE
SYGSacrosanct Yataghan Gaminglogo std 0 1 VP Gamelogo stdVP
VPVP Gamelogo std 0 1 Invictus Gaminglogo stdiG
WETeam WElogo std 1 0 POP187 Clublogo stdPOP
iGInvictus Gaminglogo std 1 0 Sacrosanct Yataghan Gaminglogo stdSYG
SYGSacrosanct Yataghan Gaminglogo std 0 1 POP187 Clublogo stdPOP
VPVP Gamelogo std 0 1 Team WElogo stdWE
POPPOP187 Clublogo std 1 0 Invictus Gaminglogo stdiG
WETeam WElogo std 0 1 Sacrosanct Yataghan Gaminglogo stdSYG
POPPOP187 Clublogo std 1 0 VP Gamelogo stdVP
Group B
1. Royal Never Give Uplogo stdRoyal Never Give Up 4-0
2. Team WE Futurelogo stdTeam WE Future 3-1
3. ZeuS Gaminglogo stdZeuS Gaming 2-2
4. Logo stdNJ 1-3
5. LION Gaminglogo stdLION Gaming 0-4
Group B Matches
ZSGZeuS Gaminglogo std 0 1 Team WE Futurelogo stdWEF
RNGRoyal Never Give Uplogo std W FF LION Gaminglogo stdLION
NJLogo std 0 1 Team WE Futurelogo stdWEF
ZSGZeuS Gaminglogo std 0 1 Royal Never Give Uplogo stdRNG
LIONLION Gaminglogo std FF W Logo stdNJ
WEFTeam WE Futurelogo std 0 1 Royal Never Give Uplogo stdRNG
LIONLION Gaminglogo std FF W ZeuS Gaminglogo stdZSG
RNGRoyal Never Give Uplogo std 1 0 Logo stdNJ
WEFTeam WE Futurelogo std W FF LION Gaminglogo stdLION
NJLogo std 0 1 ZeuS Gaminglogo stdZSG
Group C
1. Newbeelogo stdNewbee 3-0
2. Energy Pacemaker.Futurelogo stdEP.Future 2-1
3. Logo stdFate Clan 1-2
4. Logo stdTaoyuan Ty 0-3
Group C Matches
TAOYLogo std 0 1 Logo stdFATE
EPFEnergy Pacemaker.Futurelogo std 0 1 Newbeelogo stdNB
FATELogo std 0 1 Newbeelogo stdNB
EPFEnergy Pacemaker.Futurelogo std 1 0 Logo stdTAOY
NBNewbeelogo std 1 0 Logo stdTAOY
FATELogo std 0 1 Energy Pacemaker.Futurelogo stdEPF
Group D
1. Young Glorylogo stdYoung Glory 3-0
2. Hyper Youth Gaminglogo stdHyper Youth Gaming 2-1
3. Urumqi AGlogo stdUrumqi AG 1-2
4. WangShen WangKalogo stdWangShen WangKa 0-3
Group D Matches
YGYoung Glorylogo std 1 0 Hyper Youth Gaminglogo stdHYG
UAGUrumqi AGlogo std 1 0 WangShen WangKalogo stdWSWK
UAGUrumqi AGlogo std 0 1 Young Glorylogo stdYG
WSWKWangShen WangKalogo std 0 1 Hyper Youth Gaminglogo stdHYG
YGYoung Glorylogo std 1 0 WangShen WangKalogo stdWSWK
HYGHyper Youth Gaminglogo std 1 0 Urumqi AGlogo stdUAG
Group E
1. Snake Esportslogo stdSnake Esports 3-0
2. Logo stdTeam HERO 2-1
3. Logo stdGP 1-2
4. Beyond Clublogo stdBeyond Club 0-3
Group E Matches
BYBeyond Clublogo std 0 1 Snake Esportslogo stdSS
GPLogo std 0 1 Logo stdHERO
HEROLogo std 0 1 Snake Esportslogo stdSS
GPLogo std 1 0 Beyond Clublogo stdBY
BYBeyond Clublogo std 0 1 Logo stdHERO
SSSnake Esportslogo std 1 0 Logo stdGP
Group F
1. Energy Pacemaker.Eternallogo stdEP.Eternal 3-0
2. Logo stdSNAIL 2-1
3. The Guardlogo stdThe Guard 1-2
4. Logo stdSun FenDuDu 0-3
Group F Matches
GuardThe Guardlogo std W FF Logo stdSUN
EP.EEnergy Pacemaker.Eternallogo std 1 0 Logo stdSNAI
SUN Logo std FF W Energy Pacemaker.Eternallogo stdEP.E
SNAILogo std 1 0 The Guardlogo stdGuard
SUN Logo std FF W Logo stdSNAI
EP.EEnergy Pacemaker.Eternallogo std 1 0 The Guardlogo stdGuard
Group G
1. Energy Pacemaker.Alllogo stdEnergy Pacemaker.All 3-0
2. Oh My Dreamlogo stdOh My Dream 2-1
3. LGD Gaminglogo stdLGD Gaming 1-2
4. Big Jaws Gaminglogo stdBig Jaws Gaming 0-3
Group G Matches
LGDLGD Gaminglogo std W FF Big Jaws Gaminglogo stdBJG
EPAEnergy Pacemaker.Alllogo std 1 0 Oh My Dreamlogo stdOMD
LGDLGD Gaminglogo std 0 1 Energy Pacemaker.Alllogo stdEPA
OMDOh My Dreamlogo std W FF Big Jaws Gaminglogo stdBJG
BJGBig Jaws Gaminglogo std FF W Energy Pacemaker.Alllogo stdEPA
OMDOh My Dreamlogo std 1 0 LGD Gaminglogo stdLGD
Group H
1. EDward Gaminglogo stdEDward Gaming 2-1
2. Unlimited Potentiallogo stdUnlimited Potential 2-1
3. Team WE Dreamslogo stdTeam WE Dreams 2-1
4. Logo stdDaTouCai 0-3
Group D Matches
WEDTeam WE Dreamslogo std 1 0 Unlimited Potentiallogo stdUP
EDGEDward Gaminglogo std 1 0 Logo stdDTC
UPUnlimited Potentiallogo std 1 0 EDward Gaminglogo stdEDG
WEDTeam WE Dreamslogo std 1 0 Logo stdDTC
DTCLogo std 0 1 Unlimited Potentiallogo stdUP
EDGEDward Gaminglogo std 1 0 Team WE Dreamslogo stdWED
Group D Tiebreakers
WEDTeam WE Dreamslogo std 0 1 Unlimited Potentiallogo stdUP
EDGEDward Gaminglogo std 1 0 Team WE Dreamslogo stdWED
UPUnlimited Potentiallogo std 0 1 EDward Gaminglogo stdEDG


POP187 Clublogo stdPOP
Royal Never Give Uplogo stdRNG
Newbeelogo stdNB
Young Glorylogo stdYG
Snake Esportslogo stdSS
Energy Pacemaker.Eternallogo stdEP.E
Energy Pacemaker.Alllogo stdEPA
EDward Gaminglogo stdEDG
Royal Never Give Uplogo stdRNG
Newbeelogo stdNB
Snake Esportslogo stdSS
Energy Pacemaker.Alllogo stdEPA
Royal Never Give Uplogo stdRNG
Snake Esportslogo stdSS
3rd place match
Newbeelogo stdNB
Energy Pacemaker.Alllogo stdEPA

Match Schedule[]

Show AllHide All
Day 1
Wed 4 Nov - Thu 5 NovThu 5 NovThu 5 Nov2015,11,05,03,00 - 2015,11,05,10,30
Wed 2015-11-04
Thu 2015-11-05
Thu 2015-11-05
WETeam WElogo std01Invictus Gaminglogo stdiG
EPFEnergy Pacemaker.Futurelogo std01Newbeelogo stdNB
EPFEnergy Pacemaker.Futurelogo std10Logo stdTAOY
NJLogo std01Team WE Futurelogo stdWEF
iGInvictus Gaminglogo std10Sacrosanct Yataghan Gaminglogo stdSYG
Thu 2015-11-05
WEFTeam WE Futurelogo stdWFFLION Gaminglogo stdLION
VPVP Gamelogo std01Team WElogo stdWE
WEFTeam WE Futurelogo std01Royal Never Give Uplogo stdRNG
Day 2
Thu 5 Nov - Fri 6 NovFri 6 NovFri 6 Nov2015,11,06,02,00 - 2015,11,06,08,00
Thu 2015-11-05
Fri 2015-11-06
Fri 2015-11-06
HEROLogo std01Snake Esportslogo stdSS
EP.EEnergy Pacemaker.Eternallogo std10Logo stdSNAI
BYBeyond Clublogo stdFFWSnake Esportslogo stdSS
LGDLGD Gaminglogo stdWFFBig Jaws Gaminglogo stdBJG
LGDLGD Gaminglogo std01Energy Pacemaker.Alllogo stdEPA
Fri 2015-11-06
EDGEDward Gaminglogo std10Team WE Dreamslogo stdWED
Fri 6 Nov - Sat 7 NovSat 7 NovSat 7 Nov2015,11,07,05,00 - 2015,11,07,10,00
Fri 2015-11-06
Sat 2015-11-07
Sat 2015-11-07
RNGRoyal Never Give Uplogo std20Newbeelogo stdNB
Sat 2015-11-07
SSSnake Esportslogo std20Energy Pacemaker.Alllogo stdEPA
Third-Place Match
Sat 7 NovSun 8 NovSun 8 Nov2015,11,08,06,00 - 2015,11,08,06,00
Sat 2015-11-07
Sun 2015-11-08
Sun 2015-11-08
NBNewbeelogo std02Energy Pacemaker.Alllogo stdEPA
Sun 8 NovSun 8 NovSun 8 Nov2015,11,08,09,00 - 2015,11,08,09,00
Sun 2015-11-08
Sun 2015-11-08
Sun 2015-11-08
RNGRoyal Never Give Uplogo std21Snake Esportslogo stdSS

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